
Arnold and Clinton R. Sanders
Charles Horton Cooley Book Award, Society for the Study of
Symbolic Interaction, 1997 |

Animals at Play
Rules of the Game
Bekoff, Marc
Animal Behavior Society's Outstanding Children's Book Award, 2009 |

Blue Juice
Euthanasia in Veterinary Medicine
Morris, Patricia
Midwest Sociological Society Distinguished Book Award, 2015 |

Putting the Horse before Descartes
My Life's Work on Behalf of Animals
Rollin, Bernard E.
Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Research Ethics from Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research, 2016

Living and Working with Canine Companions
Clinton R.
Charles Horton Cooley Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic
Interaction, 2000 |

Working with Farm Animals from Birth to Slaughter
Wilkie, Rhoda M.
British Sociological Association's Philip Abrams Memorial Prize for the Best First and Sole-Authored Book within the discipline of Sociology, 2011
Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Animals and Society Section of the American Sociological Association, 2011