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cloth 1-56639-217-9 $74.50, Sep 94, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 1-56639-218-7 $35.95, Aug 94, Available
Electronic Book 1-43990-158-9 $35.95 Out of Stock Unavailable
344 pp
19 tables 2 figures
"[A]n excellent volume that...articulates the connections among global, national, and regional processes, and situates Asian immigration experiences within this nexus."
Contemporary Sociology
The end of 'World War II and the enactment of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 marked the beginning of a new Asian immigration. The new Asian immigrantsamong them higher proportions of women and middle-class professionals, managers, and entrepreneurshave been profoundly affected and influenced by the restructuring of the global economy, particularly in Pacific Rim industries. This volume focuses on Los Angeles as a critical "world city" in the developing global economy and also as the center of new Asian immigration. Included are discussions of the settlement patterns of various groups of Asians in relation to the social, economic, and political developments in Asia and the United States. At a local level, the contributors examine the garment and health care industries in Los Angeles to explore the role of new Asian immigrants in the city's economy and politics.
Part I: Introduction
1. The Political Economy of Capitalist Restructuring and the New Asian Immigration Paul Ong, Edna Bonacich, and Lucie Cheng
Part II: Immigration Patterns
Introduction Lucie Cheng
2. U.S. Immigration Policies and Asian Migration Paul Ong and John M. Liu
3. Pacific Rim Development and the Duality of Post-1965 Asian Immigration to the United States John M. Liu and Lucie Cheng
4. Asian Immigrants in Los Angles: Diversity and Division Paul Ong and Tania Azores
Part III: Economic Incorporation
Introduction Paul Ong
5. Asians in the Los Angeles Garment Industry Edna Bonacich
6. The Migration and Incorporation of Filipino Nurses Paul Ong and Tania Azores
7. Chinese-Vietnamese Entrepreneurs in California Steve Gold
Part IV: Political Struggles
Introduction Yen Espiritu
8. The New Chinese Immigration and the Rise of Asian American Politics in Monterey Park, California Leland T. Saito and John Horton
9. The Korean-Black Conflict and the State Paul Ong, Kye Young Part, and Yasmin Tong
10. Class Constraints on Racial Solidarity among Asian Americans Yen Espiritu and Paul Ong
Conclusion Edna Bonacich, Paul Ong, and Lucie Cheng
About the Editors and Contributors
![]() | Paul Ong is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of California, Los Angeles. |
![]() | Edna Bonacich is Professor of Sociology and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Riverside. |
![]() | Lucie Cheng is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Edna Bonacich, Lucie Cheng, Norma Chinchilla, Nora Hamilton, and Paul Ong have also co-edited Global Production: The Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim (Temple). |
Contributors: Tania Azores, Yen Espiritu, Steve Gold, John Horton, John M. Liu, Kye Yong Park, Leland T. Saito, Yasmin Tong, and the editors.
Asian American Studies
Urban Studies
Immigration Studies
Asian American History and Culture, edited by K. Scott Wong, Linda Trinh V�, and Cathy Schlund-Vials.
Founded by Sucheng Chan in 1991, the Asian American History and Culture, series has sponsored innovative scholarship that has redefined, expanded, and advanced the field of Asian American studies while strengthening its links to related areas of scholarly inquiry and engaged critique. Like the field from which it emerged, the series remains rooted in the social sciences and humanities, encompassing multiple regions, formations, communities, and identities. Extending the vision of founding editor Sucheng Chan and emeriti editor Michael Omi and David Palumbo-Liu, series editors K. Scott Wong, Linda Trinh V�, and Cathy Schlund-Vials continue to develop a foundational collection that embodies a range of theoretical and methodological approaches to Asian American studies.
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