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cloth 1-56639-186-5 $80.50, Aug 94, Available
paper 1-56639-187-3 $36.95, Aug 94, Available
Electronic Book 1-43990-141-4 $36.95 Available
376 pp
3 tables 1 figure
Outstanding Academic Book, Choice, 1995
"There has been remarkable interest in social constructionist approaches to social movements and integrating classical collective behavior theory and European new social movements approaches. This collection of articles does the best job that I have seen of accomplishing both of these agendas. The editors' introduction pulls together one of the first and most coherent statements of new social movements...clearly on the cutting edge."
Verta Taylor, Ohio State University
Cultural changes over the past two decades have led to a proliferation of new social movements in Europe and the United States. New social movements such as ecology, peace, ethnicity, New Age philosophies, alternative medicine, and gender and sexual identity are among those that are emerging to challenge traditional categories in social movement theory. Synthesizing classic and modern perspectives the contributors help to redefine the field of social movements and advance an understanding of them through cross-cultural research, comparison with older movements, and an examination of the dimensions of identityindividual, collective, and melding of the two.
Excerpt available at
Part I: Culture and Identity in Contemporary Social Movements
1. Identities, Grievances, and New Social Movements Hank Johnston, Enrique Lara�a, and Joseph R. Gusfield
2. Culture and Social Movements Doug McAdam
3. The Reflexivity of Social Movements: Collective Behavior and Mass Society Theory Revisited Joseph R. Gusfield
4. Ideology and Utopia after Socialism Ralph H. Turner
5. A Strange Kind of Newness: What's "New" in New Social Movements? Alberto Melucci
Part II: Collective Actors in New Social Movements
6. Activist, Authorities, and Media Framing of Drunk Driving John D. McCarthy
7. Transient Identities? Membership Patterns in the Dutch Peace Movement Bert Klandermans
8. Identity Fields: Framing Processes and the Social Construction of Movement Identities Scott A. Hunt, Robert D. Benford, and David A. Snow
9. Continuity and Unity in New Forms of Collective Action: A Comparative Analysis of Student Movements Enrique Lara�a
10. Conflict Networks and the Origins of Women's Liberation Carol Mueller
Part III: Collective Action and Identity in Changing Political Contexts
11. New Social Movements and Old Regional Nationalisms Hank Johnston
12. Greens, Cabbies, and Anti-Communists: Collective Action During Regime Transition in Hungary M�t� Szab�
13. Social Movements in Modern Spain: From the Pre-Civil War Model to Contemporary NSMs Jos� Alvarez-Junco
14. The Party's OverSo What Is to Be Done? Richard Flacks
The Contributors
Enrique Lara�a (1949-2014) was Titular Professor of Sociology at the University of Madrid, Spain.
Hank Johnston is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology at San Diego State University.
Joseph R. Gusfield (1923-2015) was Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of California, San Diego.
Contributors: Jos� Alvarez-Junco, Robert Benford, Richard Flacks, Scott Hunt, Bert Klandermans, Alberto Melucci, Doug McAdam, John McCarthy, Carol Mueller, M�t� Szab�, David A. Snow, Ralph H. Turner, and the editors.
Political Science and Public Policy
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