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860 pp
Critical Race Theory has become a dynamic, eclectic, and growing movement in the study of law. With this third edition of Critical Race Theory, editors Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic have created a reader for the twenty-first century�one that shakes up the legal academy, questions comfortable liberal premises, and leads the search for new ways of thinking about our nation's most intractable, and insoluble, problem�race.
The contributions, from a stellar roster of established and emerging scholars, address new topics, such as intersectionality and black men on the "down low." Essays also confront much-discussed issues of discrimination, workplace dynamics, affirmative action, and sexual politics. Also new to this volume are updated section introductions, author notes, questions for discussion, and reading lists for each unit. The volume also covers the spread of the movement to other disciplines such as education.
Offering a comprehensive and stimulating snapshot of current race jurisprudence and thought, this new edition of Critical Race Theory is essential for those interested in law, the multiculturalism movement, political science, education, and critical thought.
Excerpt available at
Praise for the Second Edition:
"[A]n important resource for those who are willing to invest time and energy in trying to understand the extraordinarily complicated ways race and racism function in this country, and the ways those dynamics spill over into many other areas."
The Diversity Factor
Suggested Readings
Part I: Critique of Liberalism
1. After We�re Gone: Prudent Speculations on America in a Postracial Epoch Derrick A. Bell, Jr.
2. The Chronicles, My Grandfather�s Stories, and Immigration Law: The Slave Traders Chronicle as Racial History Michael A. Olivas
3. The New Racial Preferences Devon W. Carbado and Cheryl I. Harris
4. When the First Quail Calls: Multiple Consciousness as Jurisprudential Method Mari J. Matsuda
5. A Critique of �Our Constitution Is Color-Blind� Neil Gotanda
6. Liberal McCarthyism and the Origins of Critical Race Theory Richard Delgado
7. Forbidden Conversations on Race, Privacy, and Community Charles R. Lawrence III
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part II: Storytelling, Counterstorytelling, and Naming One�s Own Reality
8. Property Rights in Whiteness: Their Legal Legacy, Their Economic Costs Derrick A. Bell, Jr.
9. Storytelling for Oppositionists and Others: A Plea for Narrative Richard Delgado
10. The Richmond Narratives Thomas Ross
11. Translating Yonnondio by Precedent and Evidence: The Mashpee Indian Case Gerald Torres and Kathryn Milun
12. Alchemical Notes: Reconstructing Ideals from Deconstructed Rights Patricia J. Williams
13. A Furious Kinship: Critical Race Theory and the Hip-Hop Nation andr� douglas pond cummings
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part III: Revisionist Interpretations of History and Civil Rights Progress
14. Documents of Barbarism: The Contemporary Legacy of European Racism and Colonialism in the Narrative Traditions of Federal Indian Law Robert A. Williams, Jr.
15. Desegregation as a Cold War Imperative Mary L. Dudziak
16. Liberal McCarthyism: How Four Radical Professors Lost Their Jobs and How Their Displacement Contributed to the Dissemination of Critical Thought Richard Delgado
17. Did the First Justice Harlan Have a Black Brother? James W. Gordon
18. The �Caucasian Cloak �: Mexican Americans and the Politics of Whiteness in the Twentieth-Century Southwest Ariela J. Gross
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part IV: Critical Understanding of the Social Science Underpinnings of Race and Racism
19. Words That Wound: A Tort Action for Racial Insults, Epithets, and Name-Calling Richard Delgado
20. Law as Microaggression Peggy C. Davis
21. Implicit Bias, Election 2008, and the Myth of a Postracial America Gregory S. Parks and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
22. Trojan Horses of Race Jerry Kang
23. Working Identity Devon W. Carbado and Mitu Gulati
24. The Social Construction of Race Ian F. Haney L�pez
25. Cracking the Egg: Which Came First�Stigma or Affirmative Action? Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Emily Houh, and Mary Campbell
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part V: Crime
26. Race Ipsa Loquitur: Of Reasonable Racists, Intelligent Bayesians, and Involuntary Negrophobes Jody D. Armour
27. The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander
28. Racially Based Jury Nullification: Black power in the Criminal Justice System Paul Butler
29. Race and Self-Defense: Toward a Normative Conception of Reasonableness Cynthia Kwei Yung Lee
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part VI: Structural Determinism
30. Serving Two Masters: Integration Ideals and Client Interests in School Desegregation Litigation Derrick A. Bell, Jr.
31. The Id, the Ego, and Equal Protection: Reckoning with Unconscious Racism Charles R. Lawrence III
32. Images of the Outsider in American Law and Culture: Can Free Expression Remedy Systemic Social Ills? Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
33. Race and the U.S.-Mexican Border: Tracing the Trajectories of Conquest Juan F. Perea
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part VII: Race, Sex, Class, and Their Intersections
34. Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory Angela P. Harris
35. A Hair Piece: Perspectives on the Intersection of Race and Gender Paulette M. Caldwell
36. From Practice to Theory, or What Is a White Woman Anyway? Catharine A. MacKinnon
37. The Employer Preference for the Subservient Worker and the Making of the Brown-Collar Workplace Leticia M. Saucedo
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part VIII: Essentialism and Antiessentialism
38. �The Black Community,� Its Lawbreakers, and a Politics of Identification Regina Austin
39. Traces of the Master Narrative in the Story of African American-Korean American Conflict: How We Constructed �Los Angeles� Lisa C. Ikemoto
40. Obscuring the Importance of Race: The Implication of Making Comparisons Between Racism and Sexism (or Other -isms) Trina Grillo and Stephanie M. Wildman
41. A House Divided: The Invisibility of the Multiracial Family Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Jacob Willig-Onwuachi
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part IX: Gay-Lesbian Queer Issues
42. Gendered Inequality Elvia R. Arriola
43. Sexual Politics and Social Change Darren Lenard Hutchinson
44. Racing the Closet Russell K. Robinson
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part X: Beyond the Black-White Binary
45. The Black-White Binary Paradigm of Race Juan F. Perea
46. Toward an Asian American Legal Scholarship: Critical Race Theory, Poststructuralism, and Narrative Space Robert S. Chang
47. Race and Erasure: The Salience of Race to Latinos/as Ian F. Haney L�pez
48. Mexican Americans and Whiteness George A. Martinez
49. A Rage Shared by Law: Post�September 11 Racial Violence as Crimes of Passion Muneer I. Ahmad
50. In Defense of the Black-White Binary: Reclaiming a Tradition of Civil Rights Scholarship Roy L. Brooks and Kirsten Widner
51. Racial Classification in America: Where Do We Go from Here? Kenneth Prewitt
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XI: Cultural Nationalism and Separatism
52. Rodrigo�s Chronicle Richard Delgado
53. Much Respect: Toward a Hip-Hop Theory of Punishment Paul Butler
54. Legal Violence and the Chicano Movement Ian F. Haney L�pez
55. Demise of the Talented Tenth: The Increasing Underrepresentation of Ascendant Blacks at Selective Higher Education Institutions Kevin Brown and Jeannine Bell
56. Law as a Eurocentric Enterprise Kenneth B. Nunn
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XII: Intergroup Relations
57. Embracing the Tar Baby: Lat-Crit Theory and the Sticky Mess of Race Leslie Espinoza and Angela P. Harris
58. Our Next Race Question: The Uneasiness Between Blacks and Latinos Jorge Klor de Alva, Earl Shorris, and Cornel West
59. Afro-Mexicans and the Chicano Movement: The Unknown Story Tanya Kater� Hern�ndez
60. Beyond Racial Identity Politics: Towards a Liberation Theory for Multicultural Democracy Manning Marable
61. Rethinking Alliances: Agency, Responsibility, and Interracial Justice Eric K. Yamamoto
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XIII: Legal Institutions, Critical Pedagogy, and Minorities in the Law
62. The Civil Rights Chronicles: The Chronicle of the DeVine Gift Derrick A. Bell, Jr.
63. The Imperial Scholar: Reflections on a Review of Civil Rights Literaturer Richard Delgado
64. Who is Excellent? Mari J. Matsuda.
65. Complimentary Discrimination and Complementary Discrimination in Faculty Hiring Angela Onwuachi-Willig
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XIV: Critical Race Feminism
66. Stealing Away: Black Women, Outlaw Culture, and the Rhetoric of Rights Monica J. Evans
67. M�scaras, Trenzas, y Gre�as: (Un)masking the Self While (Un)Braiding Latina Stories and Legal Discourse Margaret E. Montoya
68. Converging Stereotypes in Racialized Sexual Harassment: Where the Model Minority Meets Suzie Wong Sumi K. Cho
69. Of Woman Born: Courage and Strength to Survive in the Maquiladoras of Reynosa and R�o Bravo, Tamaulipas Elvia Rosales Arriola
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XV: Criticism and Self-Analysis
70. Racial Critiques of Legal Academia Randall L. Kennedy
71. Derrick Bell�Race and Class: The Dilemma of Liberal Reform Alan D. Freeman
72. Telling Stories Out of School: An Essay on Legal Narratives Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry
73. A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools Richard H. Sander
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XVI: Critical Race Praxis
74. Fidelity to Community: A Defense of Community Lawyering Anthony V. Alfieri
75. The Work We Know So Little About Gerald P. L�pez
76. Making the Invisible Visible: The Garment Industry�s Dirty Laundry Julie A. Su
77. Vampires Anonymous and Critical Race Practice Robert A. Williams, Jr.
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Part XVII: Critical White Studies
78. White by Law Ian F. Haney L�pez
79. Innocence and Affirmative Action Thomas Ross
80. Language and Silence: Making Systems of Privilege Visible Stephanie M. Wildman with Adrienne D. Davis
81. White Latinos Ian F. Haney L�pez
82. Rodrigo�s Portent: California and the Coming Neocolonial Order Richard Delgado
From the Editors: Issues and Comments
Suggested Readings
Richard Delgado, John J. Sparkman Chair of Law, University of Alabama School of Law, is one of the founding members of the Conference on Critical Race Theory. Winner of the Association of American Law Schools' 1995 Clyde Ferguson Award for outstanding law professor of color, he is the author of numerous articles in the law review literature on civil rights and twenty-eight books, including Failed Revolutions, Words that Wound, The Rodrigo Chronicles, and Critical White Studies (Temple).
Jean Stefancic, Professor of Law and Clement Research Affiliate, University of Alabama School of Law, is the author of leading articles and books on Critical Race Theory, Latino/a scholarship, and social change, including No Mercy: How Conservative Think Tanks and Foundations Changed America's Social Agenda (Temple) and How Lawyers Lose Their Way: A Profession Fails Its Creative Minds.
Law and Criminology
Race and Ethnicity
Gender Studies
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