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cloth 0-87722-088-3 $12.95, Dec 76, Out of Print
224 pp
9 halftones
"Everyone concerned with the human prospect needs the challenge of this book."
Richard A. Falk, Princeton University
"This important and shocking book breaks the virtual silence on one of the worst atrocities in recent memory. As revealed through eyewitness testimony and a store of document, the Ach� Indians, a gentle, forest-dwelling people, are being systematically exterminated by a Paraguayan regime bent on clearing lands for industrial development. Organized manhunts, slavery, torture and forced deculturation on 'reservations' have already eliminated perhaps half of the Ach�s. The complicity of the U.S. government, corporations and media in this tragedy and the possible involvement of Nazi enclaves in South America are among the book's most disturbing features. But the essays extend far beyond the Paraguayan jungle, focusing sharply on the evolution of Latin American dictatorships, the moral, legal and anthropological dimensions of genocide and ethnocide, and parallels with the plight of other South American Indian tribes and with the Holocaust, brought out notably in Elie Wiesel's moving epilogue."
Publishers Weekly
Richard Arens is Counsel for the International League for the Rights of Man and Professor of Law at Temple University.
Political Science and Public Policy
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