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cloth 1-56639-523-2 $80.50, Apr 97, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 1-56639-524-0 $46.95, Apr 97, Available
464 pp
2 tables 2 figures
"One of the most remarkable developments of the twentieth century has been the worldwide growth of public concern for the environment. Efforts to translate that concern into effective public policy have posed formidable challenges for the legal system. Even as our understanding of environmental problems has improved, we have become acutely aware of the complexity and uncertainty that bedevil efforts to trace the effects of human activities on the environment."
From the Preface
Law and the Environment: A Multi-disciplinary Reader brings together for the first time some of the most important original work on environmental policy by scientists, ecologists, philosophers, historians, economists, and legal scholars. Each of the book's four parts provides a different focus on the nature and scope of environmental problems and attempts to use public policy to address these concerns. Part I examines how ecology, economics, and ethics analyze environmental problems and why they support collective action to respond to them. Part II examines the history and present state of environmental law, from early attempts to engage the government to the current debate over the effectiveness of environmental policy. Part III explores the process by which environmental law gets translated into regulatory policy. Part IV considers the future of environmental law at a time when international environmental concerns have become a major force in global diplomacy and international trade agreements.
In drawing together a wide variety of perspectives on these issues, Robert V. Percival and Dorothy C. Alevizatos offer a comprehensive examination of how society has responded to the difficult challenges posed by environmental problems. The selections provide a rich introduction to the complexities of environmental policy disputes.
Excerpt available at
"As a multidisciplinary collection introducing environmental law, the book works well and encourages the reader to consult the original texts in order to gain more in-depth understanding. This will serve best those who wish to learn more about the area of environmental policy, but are bewildered by the number of books on the market."
Environmental Values
Read a review from Law & Politics Book Review, Volume 8.9 (September 1998).
Part I: Perspectives on Environmental Problems
The Earth as Modified by Human Action (1877) George Perkins Marsh
A Sand County Almanac (1949) Aldo Leopold
Fundamentals of Ecology (1959) Eugene P. Odum
The Diversity of Life (1992) Edward O. Wilson
The Nonequilibrium Paradigm in Ecology and the Partial Unraveling of Environmental Law (1994) A. Dan Tarlock
The Economic Theory of a Common-Property Resource: The Fishery (1954) H. Scott Gordon
The Fisherman�s Problem: Ecology and Law in the California Fisheries, 1850-1980 (1986) Arthur F. McEvoy
The Problem of Social Cost (1960) Ronald H. Coase
The Economy of the Earth (1988) Mark Sagoff
Environmental Faust Succumbs to Temptations of Economic Mephistopheles, or, Value by Any Other Name Is Preference (1989) Carol M. Rose
The Shadow of the Future: Discount Rates, Later Generations, and the Environment (1993) Daniel A. Farber and Paul A. Hemmersbaugh
The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis (1967) Lynn White, Jr.
Ways Not to Think about Plastic Trees: New Foundations for Environmental Law (1974) Laurence H. Tribe
The Case for Animal Rights (1983) Tom Regan
Review of Tom Regan, The Case for Animal Rights (1985) J. Baird Callicott
The Deep Ecological Movement: Some Philosophical Aspects (1986) Arne Naess
The Threat of Environmental Racism (1993) Robert D. Bullard
The Poison Poor Children Breathe (1982) George F. Will
Environmental Equity: A Law and Planning Approach to Environmental Racism (1992) Robert W. Collin
Locally Undesirable Land Uses in Minority Neighborhoods: Disproportionate Siting or Market Dynamics? (1994) Vicki Been
Principles of Environmental Justice (1991) First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit
The Meaning and Promotion of Environmental Justice (1994) Richard J. Lazarus
Part II: Environmental Law and Regulatory Policy
Nuisance Law and the Industrial Revolution (1974) Joel Franklin Brenner
Wilderness and the American Mind (1982) Roderick Nash
A �Gift of God�?: The Public Health Controversy over Leaded Gasoline during the 1920s (1985) David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz
A Fierce Green Fire (1993) Philip Shabecoff
6. THE POLITICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION Federal Regulation in Historical Perspective (1986) Robert L. Rabin Toward a Theory of Statutory Evolution: The Federalization of Environmental Law (1985) E. Donald Elliott, Bruce A. Ackerman, and John C. Millian Politics and Procedure in Environmental Law (1992) Daniel A. Farber Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955-1985 (1987) Samuel P. Hays The Lesson of the Owl and the Crows: The Role of Deception in the Evolution of the Environmental Statutes (1989) William H. Rodgers, Jr.
Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy (1996) Robert V. Percival, Alan S. Miller, Christopher H. Schroeder, and James P. Leape
Why the Clean Air Act Works Badly (1981) William F. Pederson, Jr.
Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy (1996) Robert V. Percival, Alan S. Miller, Christopher H. Schroeder, and James P. Leape
Rehabilitating Interstate Competition: Rethinking the �Race-to-the-Bottom� Rationale for Federal Environmental Regulation (1992) Richard L. Revesz
Safety and the Second Best: The Hazards of Public Risk Management in the Courts (1985) Peter W. Huber
Risk, Courts, and Agencies (1990) Clayton P. Gillette and James E. Krier
Reforming Environmental Law: The Democratic Case for Market Incentives (1988) Bruce A. Ackerman and Richard B. Stewart
Ideal Versus Real Regulatory Efficiency: Implementation of Uniform Standards and �Fine-Tuning� Regulatory Reforms (1985) Howard A. Latin
Not So Paradoxical: The Rationale for Technology-Based Regulation (1991) Sidney A. Shapiro and Thomas O. McGarity
Rethinking Environmental Controls: Management Strategies for Common Resources (1991) Carol M. Rose
Environmental Policy Tools: A User�s Guide (1995) Office of Technology Assessment
Sustainable America: A New Consensus-Building a New Framework for a New Century (1996) President�s Council on Sustainable Development
Part III: The Regulatory Process in a Participatory Democracy
The Monkey Wrench Gang (1975) Edward Abbey
DDT: Scientists, Citizens, and Public Policy (1981) Thomas R. Dunlap
Defending the Environment: A Strategy for Citizen Action (1971) Joseph L. Sax
Should Trees Have Standing?-Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects (1972) Christopher D. Stone
Implementing Federal Environmental Policies: The Limits of Aspirational Commands (1978) James A. Henderson, Jr., and Richard N. Pearson
The Seven Statutory Wonders of U.S. Environmental Law: Origins and Morphology (1994) William H. Rodgers, Jr.
Regulatory Failure, Administrative Incentives, and the New Clean Air Act (1991) Howard A. Latin
Risk in a Free Society (1984) William D. Ruckelshaus
The Gospel of Risk Management: Should We Be Converted? (1984) David Doniger
The Role of the Courts in Risk Management (1986) Richard B. Stewart
Reclaiming Environmental Law: A Normative Critique of Comparative Risk Analysis (1992) Donald T. Hornstein
Part IV: Global Environmental Concerns and the Future of Environmental Law
International Environmental Policy: Emergence and Dimensions (1990) Lynton Keith Caldwell
Our Common Future (1987) World Commission on Environment and Development
Declaration of Principles (1992) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (1991) Gene M. Grossman and Alan B. Krueger
From Adjustment to Sustainable Development: The Obstacle of Free Trade (1992) Herman Daly
Sustainable America: A New Consensus-International Leadership (1996) President�s Council on Sustainable Development
Stopping the Pendulum (1995) William D. Ruckelshaus
A Moment on the Earth: The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism (1995) Gregg Easterbrook
A Moment of Truth: Correcting the Scientific Errors in Gregg Easterbrook�s A Moment on the Earth (1995) Environmental Defense Fund
Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (1992) Al Gore
Toward a New Environmental Paradigm (1993) Robert W. Hahn
The Gnat Is Older Than Man: Global Environment and the Human Agenda (1993) Christopher D. Stone
![]() | Robert V. Percival is Professor of Law, Robert Stanton Scholar and Director of the Environmental Law Program of the University of Maryland School of Law. He is the principal author of Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, and numerous articles on law and the environment. |
Dorothy C. Alevizatos is an environmental lawyer with a Baltimore law firm. She has an M.S. in conservation biology from the University of Maryland.
Contributors: Edward Abbey, Bruce A. Ackerman, Vicki Been, Joel Franklin Brenner, Robert D. Bullard, Lynton Keith Caldwell, J. Baird Callicott, Rachel Carson, Ronald H. Coase, Robert W. Collin, Herman Daly, David Doniger, Thomas R. Dunlap, Gregg Easterbrook, Environmental Defense Fund, Daniel A. Farber, First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, Clayton P. Gillette, H. Scott Gordon, Al Gore, Gene M. Grossman, Robert W. Hahn, Samuel P. Hays, Paul A. Hemmersbaugh, James A. Henderson, Donald T. Hornstein, Peter W. Huber, James E. Krier, Alan B. Krueger, Howard Latin, Richard J. Lazarus, James P. Leape, Gerald Markowitz, Arthur F. McEvoy, Thomas D. McGarity, Alan Miller, Arne Naess, Roderick Nash, William F. Pederson, Office of Technology Assessment, Richard N. Pearson, The President's Council on Sustainable Development, Robert L. Rabin, Tom Regan, Richard L. Revesz, William H. Rogers, Jr., Carol M. Rose, David Rosner, William D. Ruckelshaus, Mark Sagoff, Joseph L. Sax, Christopher Schroeder, Sidney A. Shapiro, Richard B. Stewart, Christopher D. Stone, Jr., Laurence H. Tribe, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Lynn White, Jr., George F. Will, and the World Commission on Environment and Development.
Law and Criminology
Nature and the Environment
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