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cloth 1-56639-427-9 $89.50, May 96, Available
paper 1-56639-428-7 $31.95, Jun 96, Available
Electronic Book 1-43990-462-6 $31.95 Available
240 pp
In the West, humans tend to separate themselves from nature, valuing nature only as a means of meeting their own needs and happiness. This domination of nature often fosters human oppression instead of freedom and progress, as those who ignore abuses of nature tend to disregard human injustice as well. Peter S. Wenz argues that this oppression involves such destructive forces as sexism, ethnic strife, and political repression, including repression of the nuclear power industry's victims. Catastrophes like the Holocaust and the Gulf War are the result.
In contrast to the destructive "separate from nature" attitude, Wenz looks to various indigenous peoples as an example of societies where human beings revere nature for itself--societies where human beings flourish as individuals, in families, and in communities. Unlike societies dependent on commerce and industry, many indigenous peoples consider themselves part of a circle of life, reaping benefits far greater than the technological advances of the West. Wenz considers how to adopt the perspective of some indigenous cultures and how to make it work in our fast-food world. Additionally, he uses a trip to the World Uranium Hearings in Salzburg as a vehicle for understanding complex philosophical issues from consumerism to anthropocentrism.
Excerpt available at
"Nature's Keeper is an eloquent critique of what might be termed the central myth of modernity: that scientific and technological progress and the increased control of nature make for a better life for human beings. For Wenz, 'progress' is a 'tragedy.' Via the dominant religious paradigm, the rise of what he calls 'commercialism' and industry, the modern state, and rule-bound bureaucracies, a five-part pattern is repeated over and over again. The end result of this pattern is an increase in human misery, insecurity, exploitation and injustice."
Social Theory and Practice
Flying on Faith
A Call to Hear
People against Nature
An Indigenous Perspective
The Paradoxical Thesis
The Intellectual Journey
1. Our Christian Heritage
Plague and Passion Play
Anthropocentrism and Original Sin
Insecurity Breeds Concentration of Power
Medieval Repression of People
Secularizing Jeopardy and Power
The Separation of Mind from Body
2. Commercialism
The Five-Part Pattern in Commercialism
Comparative Advantage and the Promised Future
3. Industrialism
Standardization and Centralization
Industrialism and Commercialism
The Industrial Revolution, Colonialism, and Slavery
Faith in Progress
Class Stratification
Skepticism about Darwin�s Theory
The Industrial Evolutionary Theory
Social Darwinism�s Justification of Inequality
Sociobiology and the Subordination of Women
Suppressing Individuality
4. Nationalism, Bureaucracy, and the Holocaust
The Importance of Government
The Importance of Nationalism
Dachau and Anti-Semitism
The Inadequacy of Hate
The Nature of Bureaucracy
The Importance of Bureaucracy
Moral Progress
5. Nuclear Power and Radiation Exposure
The Hearing Begins
Dangers of Radiation
Uranium Miners
Uranium Mining as a Radiation Pump
Impact on Indigenous Communities
Creating Radioactivity
International Conspiracy
The Politics of Nuclear Waste
Unjust Distribution of Risks
6. Nuclear Power and Human Oppression
Government Subsidies and Financial Failures
Borrowing from Future Generations
The Scarcity of Uranium
Plutonium as a Military Threat
The Global Warming Rationale
The Gulf War
Rejecting Responsibility
7. Indigenous Peace and Prosperity
Why Discuss Indigenous Cultures?
Stateless, Egalitarian Indigenous People
Statelessness and Violence
Food Abundance and Population Control
Poverty and Exchange
Industrial Poverty
8. Indigenous World Views
Natural Sufficiency and Cyclical Time
Meaning, Security, and Individualism
Rootedness and the Expansion of Society
The Noncommercial and Sacred
Indigenous World Views Are Nature-Friendly
9. Implications
Promoting Change
Family Values
Crime, Pornography, Drug Abuse, and the Work Ethic
Creating Jeopardy Is Good Business
Rejecting Utopian Thinking
Invention Is the Mother of Necessity
New Faith and Values
10. Practical Suggestions
An Alternative Politics
International Trade
Energy, Equity, and Population Control
Living with Nature
The Flight Home
Smoke in the Cabin
Choosing What to Believe
Peter S. Wenz, Professor of Philosophy and Legal Studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield, is the author of Environmental Justice, Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom (Temple), and co-editor with Laura Westra of Faces of Environmental Racism.
Nature and the Environment
Philosophy and Ethics
Ethics and Action, edited by Tom Regan.
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