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cloth 1-56639-459-7 $90.50, Feb 96, Available
416 pp
8 halftones
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This brand new book is the first and only comprehensive introduction to attachment research and theory. It explains theory, research methodology, research results, and discusses both healthy and pathological development in infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The book is organized into four units. Unit I tells the story of the early history of attachment theory and research, then introduces the major propositions of attachment theory. Unit II describes the three major methods for studying attachment in infancy, then discusses how infants form attachments. Unit III discusses representational models, methods for studying attachments in childhood, and the association between attachment patterns and aspects of personality and social behavior in childhood. Unit IV begins by describing hypotheses about what's happening with attachments and how attachment patterns affect feelings, thoughts, behavior, and intimate relationships in adolescence and in the adult years. Finally, it describes what data about personality, relationships, marriage, loneliness, separation, loss, and old age we can relate to attachment patterns.
Part I: Overview
1. The Early History of Attachment Theory and Research
2. Major Propositions of Attachment Theory
The Biological Function of Attachment Behavior
Goal-Corrected Behavioral Systems
Activators and Terminators
Other Behavioral Systems
The Secure Base Phenomenon
Emotions and Attachments
Infant Patterns
The Impact of Early Experience
Attachment Hierarchies
Developmental Changes
Representational Models
How Representational Models Perpetuate Early Patterns
Multiple Models
Vulnerability to Psychopathology
Continuity and Change
Common Misperceptions about Attachment Theory
Chapter Summary
Part II: Infancy and Early Childhood
3. Research Methods for Infancy
Naturalistic Observations
The Strange Situation and the Patterns of Attachment
The Attachment Q-Set
Chapter Summary
4. Phases in the Development of Attachments in Infancy 67
Phase 1: The Preattachment Phase
Phase 2: Attachment-in-the-Making
The Turning Point: Evidence from Separation Studies
Phase 3: Clear-Cut Attachment
Phase 4: The Goal-Corrected Partnership
Abnormal Environments: Babies in Institutions
Chapter Summary
5. Sensitive Responsiveness
The Baltimore Study
Limitations of the Baltimore Study and Its Replications
The Minneapolis Study
The Bielefeld Study
The Bloomington Study
The Pennsylvania Infant and Family Development Project
Quantity and Quality of Interaction
Diverging Research Approaches, Converging Results
Maltreatment Studies
Measuring Sensitivity
Critiques of Studies of Material Sensitivity
Chapter Summary
6. More Influences on Attachment Patterns
The Caregiver�s Personality
Demographic Factors
Drug Use
The Infant�s Temperament
Premature Birth and Early Illness
Intensities of Effects of Parent Factors and Infant Factors
The Social Network
Next Steps in Research
Blaming the Victim: A Polemical Interlude
Chapter Summary
7. Early Correlates and Sequelae of Attachment Patterns
Stability of Attachment Patterns in Infancy
Predictions from Theory
Developments in Family Relationships
Interactions with Teachers
Relations with Peers
Cognitive Development
The Correlates and Implications of Avoidance
Are Sequelae Effects?
Limitations on the Predictive Power of Early Adaptations
Chapter Summary
8. Cultural Variations in Attachment Relationships
Basic Considerations
Differences among Cultures
Cultural Contrasts
Validity of the Strange Situation Across Cultures
Distributions of Strange Situation Classifications in Contrasting Cultures
Is the Strange Situation Too Stressful?
Unanswered Questions
Sequelae of Strange Situation Classifications in Other Cultures
Adaptive Behavior from a Biological Perspective
Adaptive Advantages from the Mental Health Perspective
Chapter Summary
9. Fathers
The Father�s Role
A Basic Question
Distribution of Patterns of Attachment to Fathers
Determinants of Security
Concordance in Infant-Mother and Infant-Father Attachments
A Meta-Analysis
Chapter Summary
10. Maternal Employment and Infant Day Care
Maternal Employment
Infant Day Care
Chapter Summary
11. Attachment Hierarchies
Methodological Issues
Determinants of the Attachment Hierarchy
Naturalistic Observations
The Attachment Network
Chapter Summary
12. Early Intervention
Disorders of Attachment in Infancy
Successes in Treating Attachment Disorders
A Case Study: Tanya
A Case Study: Sarah
Identifying Families in Need of Intervention
Beginning Intervention with High-Risk Families
The Complexity of Effective Intervention
Day Care as a Component of Intervention
The Effectiveness of Intervention
Societal Intervention: A Polemical Interlude
Assistance to Families in Low-Risk Circumstances
Chapter Summary
Part III: Childhood
13. Representational Models
Features of Representational Models
The Goal-Corrected Partnership
Developmental Psychopathology
Defensive Exclusion
Memory Systems and Information Processing
Developmental Changes
Working Models in Infancy
Working Models in the Preschool Years
School-Age Children
Chapter Summary
14. Assessment in Childhood
Preschoolers: Separation-Reunion Paradigms
Preschoolers: Story Completion
Assessment Around Age 6
Next Steps in Methodology
Chapter Summary
15. Childhood Correlates of Attachment Patterns
Stability and Change
Behavior with Parents
Behavior with Siblings
Behavior with Peers and Strangers
Interim Summary
Behavior Problems
Ego Strengths
Chapter Summary
Part IV: Adolescence and Adulthood
16. Theoretical Speculations
Fundamental Propositions
Falling in Love
Nonsexual New Attachments
Continuation of Attachments to Parents
Transmitting Patterns from One Generation to the Next
Old Age
Chapter Summary
17. Assessing Adult Attachments
The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
Bartholomew�s Attachment Interview
Measures of Specific Adult Attachments
Chapter Summary
18. Research About Adolescent and Adult Attachments
Personality and Relationships
Separation and Loss
Old Age
Chapter Summary
Name Index
Subject Index
Virginia L. Colin earned her degrees in psychology from Swarthmore, Columbia, and the University of Virginia, where Mary Ainsworth, co-founder of attachment theory, was her principal mentor. As a self-employed research consultant since 1986, Dr. Colin has studied hundreds of babies and parents, some in low-risk samples, and some at high risk for developmental delays and/or disturbances associated with medical problems, poverty, immaturity, abuse, and neglect. She has worked on projects for the National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Institute, the University of Notre Dame, Columbia University, and others. In addition to conducting research, Dr. Colin has worked as an assistant professor, provided developmental counseling and psychotherapy services, and provided specialized foster care services for troubled adolescents.
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