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cloth 1-56639-593-3 $81.50, Apr 98, Out of Print
paper 1-56639-918-1 $29.95, Sep 01, Available
Electronic Book 1-43990-150-3 $29.95 Out of Print
328 pp
4 figures 15 halftones
Association of American University Presses Book Jacket Award, 1999
"A marvelous collection of turn-of-the-century animal stories...The Wild Animal Story is well conceived, sensibly organized, admirably complete, and judiciously framed. One hopes that this indispensable and fascinating sourcebook will inspire renewed critical attention to this promising area of research."
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the wild animal story emerged in Canadian literature as a distinct genre, in which animals pursue their own interestssurvival for themselves, their offspring, and perhaps a mate, or the pure pleasure of their wildness.
Bringing together some of the most celebrated wild animal stories, Ralph H. Lutts places them firmly in the context of heated controversies about animal intelligence and purposeful behavior. Widely regarded as entertaining and educational, the early storiesby Charles G. D. Roberts, Ernest Thompson Seton, John Muir, Jack London and othershad an avid readership among adults and children. But some naturalists and at least one hunterTheodore Rooseveltdiscredited these writers as "nature fakers," accusing them of falsely portraying animal behavior.
The stories and commentaries collected here span the twentieth century. As present day animal behaviorists, psychologists, and the public attempt to sort out the meaning of what animals do and our obligations to them, Ralph Lutts maps some of the prominent features of our cultural landscape.
Tales include:
The Springfield Fox by Ernest Thompson Seton
The Sounding of the Call by Jack London
Stickeen by John Muir
Journey to the Sea by Rachel Carson
Other selections include esssays by Theoore Roosevelt, John Burroughs, Margaret Atwood, and Ralph H. Lutts.
Excerpt available at
" invaluable sourcebook of information about the 'nature fakers' controversy that engaged many of the leading figures in natural history at the turn of the century.... Given the inaccessibility of many of the documents it collects, as well as the thoroughness with which it presents them, The Wild Animal Story would make an excellent classroom resource..."
Environmental History
1. The Wild Animal Story: Animals and Ideas Ralph H. Lutts
Part I: Tales
2. On His Animal Stories Charles G. D. Roberts
3. Do Seek Their Meat from God Charles G. D. Roberts
4. The Rivals of Ringwaak Charles G. D. Roberts
5. On His Animal Stories Ernest Thompson Seton
6. Lobo: The King of the Currumpaw Ernest Thompson Seton
7. The Springfield Fox Ernest Thompson Seton
8. On His Animal Stories William J. Long
9. A School for Little Fishermen William J. Long
10. Trails That Cross in the Snow William J. Long
11. A Woodcock Genius William J. Long
12. The Sounding of the Call Jack London
13. Stickeen John Muir
14. Journey to the Sea Rachel L. Carson
Part II: Controversy
15. Real and Sham Natural History John Burroughs
16. The Modern School of Nature-Study and Its Critics William J. Long
17. The Fate of Little Mucky Ernest Thompson Seton
18. The Writings of William J. Long W. F. Ganong
19. Truth Plain and Coloured W. H. Hudson
20. Nature as a Field for Fiction Mabel Osgood Wright
21. Roosevelt on the Nature Fakirs Edward B. Clark
22. "I Propose to Smoke Roosevelt Out" Dr. Long
23. Charles G.D. Roberts Defends His Nature Stories
24. Real Naturalists on Nature Faking Edward B. Clark
25. "Nature Fakers" Theodore Roosevelt
26. The Other Animals Jack London
27. Chipmunk Thoughts John Burroughs
Part III: Interpretations
28. Animal Victims Margaret Atwood
29. The Revolt Against Instinct: The Animal Stories of Seton and Roberts Robert H. MacDonald
30. The Realistic Animal Story: Ernest Thompson Seton, Charles Roberts, and Darwinism Thomas R. Dunlap
31. Stickeen and the Moral Education of John Muir Ronald H. Limbaugh
32. Will the Real Wild Animal Please Stand Up! The Nature Fakers Ralph H. Lutts
About the Writers
![]() | Ralph H. Lutts, Associate Faculty, Goddard College Off-Campus BA./MA Program and Adjunct Faculty, University of Virginia, Division of Continuing Education, is the author of The Nature Fakers: Wildlife, Science, and Sentiment. |
General Interest
Nature and the Environment
Animals and Society
Animals, Culture, and Society, edited by Arnold Arluke and Clinton R. Sanders.
Animals, Culture, and Society, edited by Arnold Arluke and Clinton R. Sanders, is concerned with probing the complex and contradictory human-animal relationship through the publication of accessible books that consider the place of animals in our culture, our literature, our society, and our homes.
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