REVIEWS | EXCERPT | CONTENTS | AUTHOR BIO | SUBJECT CATEGORIESRich accounts of gay and lesbian groups on five continents The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian PoliticsNational Imprints of a Worldwide MovementSearch the full text of this bookedited by Barry D Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak and André Krouwel
Since the Stonewall rebellion in 1969, gay and lesbian movements have grown from small outposts in a few major cities to a worldwide mobilization. This book brings together stories of the emergence and growth of movements in more than a dozen nations on five continents, with a comparative look that offers insights for both activists and those who study social movements. Lesbian and gay groups have existed for more than a century, often struggling against enormous odds. In the middle of the twentieth century, movement organizations were suppressed or swept away by fascism, Stalinism, and McCarthyism. Refounded by a few pioneers in the postwar period, movements have risen again as more and more people have stood up for their right to love and live with persons of their choice. This book addresses both the mature movements of the European Union, North America, and Australia and the newer movements emerging in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa, examining the social and political conditions that shape movement opportunities and trajectories. It is rich in the details of gay and lesbian cultural and political life in different countries. ExcerptRead an excerpt from Chatper 2 (pdf). Reviews"The last twenty-five years have seen a creative and original theorizing from sociologists and political scientists about social movements and collective political behavior. In the pages of this book these two intellectual worlds finally meet, and our understanding of politics and social change is the wiser because of it. It deserves wide readership."
Read a review from The Journal of Homosexuality, Volume 42.4 (2002), written by Gerard Sullivan (pdf). "This important collection explores the origins and development of lesbian and gay movements across a range of countries, from north to south, including Canada, the U.S., select European countries, select Latin American countries, Japan, Australia, and southern Africa."
Read a review from Contemporary Sociology, Volume 28.5 (September 1999), written by David John Frank (pdf). "...a necessary reminder that many of our queer white male compatriots have a long way to go before they really 'get' what feminists and people of color have been saying about power and difference. For this is a book about power and sameness among queers, and differences get sacrificed to the author's pursuit of what is specifically and universally queer (or, rather, specifically and universally lesbian and gay)."
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Contents1. Introduction the Editors
About the Author(s)
Subject CategoriesSexuality Studies/Sexual Identity