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cloth 0-87722-156-1 $37.95, Dec 79, Out of Print
Women comprise a large, permanent, and growing constituency in the labor force, and more and more women with children are among those working. However, the assumption that a woman's first loyalty is to husband and family is still effective in keeping women in a secondary position in the labor market. It lies at the root of the occupational and institutional segregation of women and in the undervaluation of women's work as reflected in the wage gap between men and women and in the high rate of unemployment among women in the recession of the 1970s. Women in all advanced countries face the same problem, which makes the discussion of policy in an international context particularly useful.
An invaluable resource for management and labor leaders, lawyers, policy-makers, and informed citizens, the original essays in this collection make up the first comparative discussion of equal pay and equal opportunity policy for women. The countries included are Sweden, Austria, West Germany, France, Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. The authors of the essays in this book speak from firsthand experience in developing or evaluating equal employment policy. We can learn much from their analysis of the strengths and drawbacks of dominant institutional strategies operating in particular countries.
The book is divided into six parts, which cover background, legislation and collective bargaining, training and organization for equal employment, the implementation of equal pay and equal opportunity policy inside work organizations, the effect which national context has on equal opportunity policy, and policy goals for the future. Ronnie
Steinberg Ratner concludes this volume with an essay which assesses solutions in progress, pinpoints specific problems, and suggests more effective ways to implement equal pay and opportunity policy in the Western Hemisphere.
Ronnie Steinberg Ratner is Research Director of the Center for Women in Government at the State University of New York at Albany.
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