REVIEWS |EXCERPT |CONTENTS |AUTHOR BIO |SUBJECT CATEGORIESA systematic exploration of how criminology has accounted for the role of community over the past century
Communities and CrimeAn Enduring American ChallengeSearch the full text of this bookPamela Wilcox, Francis T. Cullen, and Ben Feldmeyer
Social scientists have long argued over the links between crime and place. The authors of Communities and Crime provide an intellectual history that traces how varying images of community have evolved over time and influenced criminological thinking and criminal justice policy. ExcerptReviews"Communities and Crime probes one of the most vital and intellectually exciting areas of the discipline. Why do some communities experience higher crime rates than others? Why are these differences so enduring, despite turnover in residents? Criminologists have argued for much of the last century over questions such as these, producing seminal research and leading theories. Wilcox, Cullen, and Feldmeyer provide an authoritative account of this important body of work that makes for fascinating reading. Their intellectual history melds seamlessly with a synthesis of contemporary research, making this a book for all criminologists and students of crime to read. I look forward to assigning Communities and Crime in class and continuing to learn from its insights." Contents
1. Images of Community in Criminological Thought About the Author(s)Pamela Wilcox is Professor of Criminal Justice and Fellow of the Graduate School at the University of Cincinnati. She is the co-author of Criminal Circumstance: A Dynamic Multicontextual Criminal Opportunity Theory and co-editor of Challenging Criminological Theory: The Legacy of Ruth Rosner Kornhauser. Francis T. Cullen is Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Associate in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. He is co-author of Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences and co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory. Ben Feldmeyer is Associate Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Subject CategoriesUrban Studies In the SeriesUrban Life, Landscape, and Policy The Urban Life, Landscape, and Policy Series, edited by David Stradling, Larry Bennett, and Davarian Baldwin, was founded by the late Zane L. Miller to publish books that examine past and contemporary cities, focusing on cultural and social issues. The editors seek proposals that analyze processes of urban change relevant to the future of cities and their metropolitan regions, and that examine urban and regional planning, environmental issues, and urban policy studies, thus contributing to ongoing debates. |