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cloth 1-4399-0695-5 $75.50, Jun 11, Available
paper 1-4399-0696-3 $31.95, Available
Electronic Book 1-4399-0697-1 $31.95 Available
272 pp
1 table
Randy Martin is the recipient of the American Sociological Association's Marxist Sociology Lifetime Achievement Award, 2015
"Randy Martin�s Under New Management offers a very timely and highly impassioned exploration of the labor of administering the university. Through this discussion of the place of the university within broader political-economic trends, Under New Management makes an important contribution to theorizing the role of education in contemporary affairs. Martin�s book is filled with fascinating theoretical insights and interesting case studies, but it is the project�s investigation of the potential for working management against the grain that makes it a particularly important and innovative intervention."
Ashley Dawson, Professor of English at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Faculty members who care about the institutions of higher education where they work are often at odds with university management. In his forceful book, Randy Martin takes a novel, evenhanded approach to this gulf between professors, who feel a loss of autonomy, and administrators, who face a panoply of institutional risks.
Martin imagines a political future for academic labor based on a critical understanding of the administrative work that faculty members already undertake. He considers the differences between self-rule and specialized expertise and provides a case study of a New York City public school to show how schoolchildren and families respond to the demands of managerial productivity that is part of preparing students for college. Under New Management also considers changes that students, faculty, and administrators face in light of this reworked social compact of professionals.
Excerpt available at
"Martin�s highly original book features a sociological and ethnographic sensibility that sets it apart. Under New Management is a tour de force, turning the university back upon itself to discover the associated labor that summons managerialism. This is a timely book that could develop a real popularity among students, staff, and academics active in various struggles in the global university today."
Stefano Harney, Professor and Chair in Strategy, Culture and Society at the University of London
1. The Ends of Education
2. Getting There
3. What Is A Student to Think?
4. W(h)ither Academic Freedom? Revaluing Faculty Work
5. The Work of Administration
6. Conditions of Interdisciplinarity
7. Registering Organization
8. (Out) from Under New Management
Randy Martin (1957�2015) was Professor and Chair of Art and Public Policy at New York University. He has published, as author or editor, a dozen books, including An Empire of Indifference: American War and the Financial Logic of Risk Management, and Financialization of Daily Life (Temple).
American Studies
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