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paper 0-971-2996-6-8 $15.00, Jul 12, Available
318 pp
89 halftones
Espejos y ventanas details the individual stories of the Mexican community of Kennett Square, a community of three generations who have migrated to work in the world's largest mushroom industry, and details their personal and political aspirations. Published with both Spanish and English versions, these oral histories provide a window into the lives of retirees who came north twenty-five years ago; of mothers and children who stayed in Mexico and finally made it over; of teenagers building a house for their family in Mexico; of children graduating from college, their feet planted in two worlds. In doing so, it provides a window into the general struggles of immigrant populations for social, political, and economic rights.
Distributed by Temple University Press for the New City Community Press
Mark Lyons is co-director of the Philadelphia Storytelling Project. He is a fiction writer who has published several short stories, and was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. He is a recipient of Pennsylvania Council of the Arts fellowships for 2003 and 2009, and the J.P. McGrath Memorial Award from Whetstone Magazine.
August Tarrier is an editor and manuscript consultant, specializing in novels and screenplays, as well as scholarly and academic work, including articles for professional journals, dissertations, and books. She was formerly the Editor of New City Press. She has won four national awards for her short stories, including the Zoetrope Prize.
Latino/a Studies
Philadelphia Region
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