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cloth 0-87722-295-9 $34.95, May 83, Out of Print
paper 0-87722-313-0 $22.95, May 83, Out of Print
286 pp
"[This] does more to clarify what schools actually do, and why most American research on education leaves us with our myths about schooling intact, than anything that has been published in America."
Edgar Z. Friedenberg, Dalhousie University
Over the past decade there has been much theoretical work on the relationship between schooling and economic and cultural reproduction. A good deal of this research has remained outside the school, not going inside to examine the actual curriculum and teaching practices that go on every day in the classroom.
Ideology and Practice in Schooling brings together investigations of the content and organization of the curriculum and the experience of teachers and students in schools. Included are ideological analyses of history, art, literature, economics, and science curricula, as well as ethnographic studies of the lived culture of student oppositional practices, changes in the control of teachers' work, the experience of minority students at community colleges, of girls in a secretarial training program, and of children in primary schools. Each original essay blends together recent work on the nature of the relationship between society and education with an in-depth examination of the internal practices of schooling, and also points out where there are possibilities for emancipatory educational action.
Excerpt available at
"[A] significant contribution to an important growing body of radical literature on education that can provide interested educators with a deeper understanding of the linkages between theory and practice and with a better sense of how classroom practices aid in the production and reproduction of social classes."
Educational Studies
1. Ideology and Practice in Schooling: A Political and Conceptual Introduction Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis
Part I. Ideology and Commodified Culture
2. Workers, Labor and Economic History, and the Textbook Content Jean Anyon
3. The American Revolution in Children's Fiction: An Analysis of Literary Content, Form, and Ideology Joel Taxel
4. Aesthetic Curriculum and Cultural Reproduction Landon E. Beyer
5. Defensive Teaching and Classroom Control Linda M. McNeil
6. Curricular Form and the Logic of Technical Control Michael W. Apple
Part II. Ideology and Lived Culture
7. Classroom Management, Student Opposition, and the Labor Process Robert B. Everhart
8. School Structure and Teachers' Work Andrew Gitlin
9. Becoming Clerical Workers: Business Education and the Cutlure of Femininity Linda Valli
10. Schooling and Cultural Production: A Comparison of Black and White Lived Culture Lois Weis
11. Play in the Workplace Nancy R. King
Michael W. Apple is Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Lois Weis is Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education at the State University of New York, Buffalo.
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