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cloth 0-87722-224-X $29.95, Jun 81, Out of Print
256 pp
"The work covers all the important events of the period; the excellent style makes it appropriate for all readers."
Library Journal
Our understanding of the past is constantly changing. Much of the new research in American history has been published in articles or scholarly monographs, where its effect, although important, is limited to academic circles, for the most part. This had been especially true of the period since World War II, during which enormous social and political changes altered the shape of the lives of Americas and the world.
In what promises to be the most reliable account of the post-World War II period, James Gilbert tells the story of America from the death of Roosevelt to the resignation of Nixon. This is more than political history, however. Woven into the story is an account of change in the social fabric as well: how marriage patterns changed; how health care affected the quality of life; what racial tension has done to the quality and style of urban life; how film has reflected and television changed the ways in which we think about ourselves.
More then a mere summary of revisionist historiography, Professor Gilbert's book artfully synthesizes the major new perspectives on the post-war period, highlighting the economic basis of post-war politics, foreign policy, and social life, class and ethnic variations, and the contrasting styles of the political leaders of the period.
This is a book to be read for pleasure and consulted for enlightenment. In leavening the political history of the period with insights into popular and youth culture, the author has touched the experience of most of us and provided a new and much needed perspective that will challenge what we thought we knew about the years after the war.
James Gilbert is Professor of History, University of Maryland, and author of Work Without Salvation: America's Intellectual and Industrial Alienation, 1880-1910.
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