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cloth 0-87722-261-4 $34.95, Sep 82, Out of Print
paper 0-87722-262-2 $28.95, Sep 82, Out of Stock Unavailable
345 pp
"This is a book on the French policy-making process, and one of its many merits is that it looks at the effectiveness of the French policy-making process without losing sight of distinctive national peculiarities. The book demonstrates an excellent familiarity with French politics and it fits admirably into the series in which it appears."
Ezra N. Suleiman, Princeton University
Under the new socialist regime of Francois Mitterand, how much will French policymaking change? How has it functioned under previous regimes? How does the French process compare with policymaking in other industrial states?
These are some of the questions Douglas E. Ashford considers in analyzing six major areas of domestic policymaking in Franceadministrative reform, local and regional reform, economic policy, industrial relations, social security, and immigration. Each case is accompanied by selected readings translated from official government documents and the writings of critics of official policy, including readings from the Mitterand period. The book offers an unusually strong point of view, one that differs from the standard interpretations of French Politics.
Policy and Politics in France is the third volume in the series, Policy and Politics in Industrial States, edited by Douglas E. Ashford, Peter J. Katzenstein, and T. J. Pempel. Each volume consists of a balance of provocative analysis and documents for six issues. Four topicseconomic policy, labor relations, social welfare, and the internal organization of the stateare common to all volumes; the remaining two are reserved for policy problems peculiar to the individual country.
Excerpt available at
Editors' Preface
1. The Policy Process and Institutional Uncertainty
French Politics Seen through the Policy Process Institutional Uncertainty and French Policymaking Policy Change under a Dominant Party French society and Politics: Living with Diversity Parties and Elections: One Step Backward, Two Steps Forward Policymaking and Administrative Politics Democratic Institutions and French Policymaking
2. Administrative Reform: Compromising with Necessity
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (The Politicization of the French Civil Service; An Evaluation of Administrative Reform Options; Problems of Implementing Administrative Reform; A Proposal for a Ministry of Administrative Reform; The Political Manipulation of the Administration; The Need to Increase External Influence on the Administration; Socialist Proposals for Administrative Reform)
3. Local and Regional Reform: Territorial Compromises
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (On Reorganizing the Prefects; Central-Local Tax and Subsidy Problems; The Local and Departmental network; The Guichard Report on Smothering Local Democracy; How Mutual Advantage Reinforces the Central-Local Network; The Socialist Debate over Regions and Departments)
4. Economic Policy: Desperation or Design?
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (The Prospects in 1958; The Political Meaning of the Plan; Shifting the course of Economic Policy; Industrial and Budgetary Proposals of the Common Program; The French Economy under Barre; The Socialsits' Economic Program)
5. Industrial Relations: In Search of Compromise
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (Union Participation in Planning; Ambiguities of French Collective Bargaining; Proposals to Reform Industrial Relations; Maire on Relations between the CGT and CFDT; The Future Strategy of the CNPF; The Right to Strike in Question)
6. Social Security: Success by Default
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (The Early Objectives of French Social Security; Early Recommendations for Social Security Reform; The French Concept of Social Solidarity; Political Parites and Social Benefits; The Growth of Social Spending; Social Security Dilemmas under Mitterrand)
7. Immigration Policy: Social and Economic Uncertainties
Context Agenda Process Consequences Readings (The Search for an Immigration Policy; Unions and Immigrants; An Immigrant Speaks to the Issue; Problems of a Multicultural Society; Considering Repatriation; Reactions to Increased Racial Tension)
8. Conclusion: A French Secret or Putting Politicians to Work
The Demise of the "Two Frances" Using Policies to Build Institutions The Politics of Policymaking: Filling or Creating the Institutional Void? Institutional Development: Stimulus or Deterrent to Policymaking?
Douglas E. Ashford is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Pittsburgh. He was formerly Director of the Western Societies Program at Cornell University. He is author of Policy and Politics in Britain, also in this series.
Political Science and Public Policy
Policy and Politics in Industrial States, edited by Douglas E. Ashford, Peter J. Katzenstein, and T.J. Pempel.
Each volume in Policy and Politics in Industrial States, edited by Douglas E. Ashford, Peter J. Katzenstein, and T.J. Pempel, is a sophisticated textbook that focuses on a single country but in a comparative policy context. Each consists of a balance of analysis and primary documents for six major issues. The issues include topics like economic policy, labor relations, social welfare, and the internal organization of the state.
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