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cloth 1-56639-121-0 $74.50, Nov 93, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 1-56639-122-9 $47.95, Nov 93, Available
704 pp
"This is an excellent collection that provides a welcome alternative to many of the traditional readers on organizations and bureaucracies.... A very useful contribution."
Paul DiMaggio, Yale University
Contemporary scholarship and classic essays focus on the continuing crises in bureaucratic organizations and managerial authority. Rethinking and innovation in private, public, and nonprofit organizations emerge from case studies on schools, multicultural and feminist organizations, private corporations, environmental planning and regulation, alternative services, and attempts to "reinvent government."
Excerpt available at
"This group of essays provides a comprehensive overview for scholars and participants seeking to make organizations from humane and more effective."
Dudley Burton, Brown University
Preface to Revised Edition
Part I: Classical Problems and Perspectives
1. Bureaucracy Max Weber
2. The Spirit of Bureaucracy and Beyond Bureaucracy Karl Marx
3. Oligarchy Robert Michels
4. Scientific Management Frederick W. Taylor
5. The Real Meaning of Taylorism Harry Braverman
6. Human Relations and Informal Organization Fritz J. Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson
7. Three Patterns of Bureaucracy Alvin W. Gouldner
Part II: Forms of Control and Divisions of Labor
8. Forms of Control in the Labor Process: An Historical Analysis Richard Edwards
9. Machine Technology and Workplace Control: The U.S. Post Office Peter Rachleff
10. Organizing Consent on the Shop Floor Michael Burawoy
11. Women, Unions, and Participative Management Louise Lamphere and Guillermo Grenier
12. Organizational Expertise and Bureaucratic Control: Behavioral Science Ideology Frank Fischer
13. Reproducing Hierarchy: Job Evaluation and Comparable Worth in State Government Joan Acker
14. Manufacturing Management Ideology: Corporative Culture and Control in Financial Services Vicki Smith
Part III: Structure, Power, and Practices
15. The Rationing of Services in Street Level Bureaucracies Michael Lipsky
16. Teaching in a Bureaucratic School Susan Moore Johnson
17. Women and Power in Organizations Rosabeth Kanter
18. Mentoring and Irrationality: The Role of Racial Taboos David A. Thomas
19. Normal Accident at Three Mile Island Charles Perrow
20. The Department of Defense and the Military-Industrial Establishment: The Politics of the Iron Triangle Gordon Adams
21. Bureaucracy and the Regulation of Health and Safety at Work Steven Kelman
22. Class and Politics in the Organization of Public Administration: The U.S. Department of Labor Nancy DiTomaso
23. The AIDS Crisis and Organizational Failure Charles Perrow and Mauro F. Guill�n
Part IV: Organizational Alternatives and Social Change
24. The Collectivist Organization: An Alternative to Rational-Bureaucratic Models Joyce Rothschild
25. Community-Owned Government: Empowering Rather than Serving David Osborne and Ted Gaebler
26. The Algebra Project: Organizing in the Spirit of Ella Robert Moses, Mieko Kamii, Susan McAllister Swap, and Jeffrey Howard
27. Worker Participation in Technological Change Robert Howard and Leslie Schneider
28. Feminism and the Forms of Freedom Jane Mansbridge
29. Learning Pluralism: Democracy and Diversity in Feminist Organizations Carmen Sirianni
30. Internal Organization and Social Structure in Community Organizing: The Case of ACORN Gary Delgado
31. Fishbowl Planning: Environmental Regulation, Economic Development, and Democratic Technique Daniel Mazmanian and Jeanne Nienaber
32. Beyond NIMBY: Participator Approaches to Hazardous Waste Management in Canada and the United States Barry Rabe
About the Editors
Frank Fischer teaches Political Science and Public Administration at Rutgers University and has published several books, including Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise and The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning.
Carmen Sirianni teaches Sociology at Brandeis University and is co-editor of the Labor and Social Change series at Temple University Press. His books include Worker Participation and the Politics of Reform (Temple) and Working Time in Transition (Temple).
Contributors: Joan Acker, Gordon Adams, Harry Braverman, Michael Burawoy, Gary Delgado, William J. Dickson, Nancy DiTomaso, Richard Edwards, Ted Gaebler, Alvin W. Gouldner, Guillermo Grenier, Mauro F. Guill�n, Jeffrey Howard, Robert Howard, Susan Moore Johnson, Mieko Kamii, Rosabeth Kanter, Steven Kelman, Louise Lamphere, Michael Lipsky, Jane Mansbridge, Karl Marx, Daniel Mazmanian, Robert Michels, Robert Moses, Jeanne Nienaber, David Osborne, Charles Perrow, Barry Rabe, Peter Rachleff, Fritz J. Roethlisberger, Joyce Rothschild, Leslie Schneider, Vicki Smith, Susan McAllister Swap, Frederick W. Taylor, David A. Thomas, Max Weber, and the editors.
Labor Studies and Work
Political Science and Public Policy
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