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cloth 0-87722-540-0 $37.95, Sep 88, Out of Print
360 pp
6 figures 22 halftones
It is only within the last decade that historians have begun to pay serious attention to technology�s vital role in shaping the urban environment. Between approximately 1850 and 1930, cities in the industrialized world constructed a series of systems or networks to distribute water, wastewater, vehicles, energy, messages, and people. This collection of essays comprises the first book to trace the history and development of technological systems in European and American cities from the middle of the nineteenth century through World War II.
Part I: Transportation
1. Comparative Perspectives on Transit in Europe and the United States, 1850-1914 John P. McKay
2. Street Transport in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century: Mechanization Delayed? Anthony Sutcliffe
3. Economic Aspects of Public Transit in the Parisian Area, 1855-1939 Dominique Larroque
4. Urban Pathways: The Street and Highway, 1900-1940 Clay McShane
Part II: Water Systems
5. The Genesis of Water Supply, Distribution, and Sewerage Systems in France, 1800-1850 Andr� Guillerme
6. The Development of Water and Sewerage Systems in France, 1850-1950 Jean-Pierre Goubert
7. Fire and Disease: The Development of Water Supply Systems in New England, 1870-1900 Letty Anderson
Part III: Waste Disposal
8. Sewerage and the Development of the Networked City in the United States, 1850-1930 Joel A. Tarr
9. Historical Origins and Development of a Sewerage System in a German City: Bielefeld, 1850-1904 Georges Knaebel
10. Technology Diffusion and Refuse Disposal: The Case of the British Destructor Martin V. Melost
Part IV: Energy. Heat, and Power
11. Urban Gas and Electric Systems and Social Change, 1900-1940 Mark H. Rose
12. City Lights: The Electrification of the Chicago Region, 1880-1930 Harold L. Platt
13. Municipalities as Managers: Heat Networks in Germany Roselyne Messager
14. Utility Networks and Territory in the Paris Region: The Case of Andresy Gabriel Dupuy
Part V: Communication
15. Cities and Communication: The Limits of Community Seymour J. Mandelbaum
16. Telephone Networks in France and Great Britain Chantal de Gournay
Joel A. Tarr is Professor of History and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
Gabriel Dupuy is a Professor at the Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris, University of Paris, and Chairman of the Transportation, Environment, and Urban Planning Department, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss�s.
Technology and Urban Growth, edited by Blaine Brownell, Donald T. Critchlow, Mark S. Foster, Mark Rose, and Joel A. Tarr.
Technology and Urban Growth, edited by Blaine Brownell, Donald T. Critchlow, Mark S. Foster, Joel Tarr, and Mark Rose, focuses on the relationships between urban growth and change and developments in technological fields such as transport, utilities, and housing and office construction.
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