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cloth 0-87722-467-6 $54.50, Jun 87, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 0-87722-469-2 $29.95, Jun 87, Out of Stock Unavailable
Electronic Book 1-59213-091-7 $70.50 Out of Stock Unavailable
576 pp
Emphasizing gender inequality in the past and present, this book analyzes the connections between work and family that produce conflict and change at home and in the marketplace.
1. Women�s Inequality, and the Family Dorothy E. Smith
2. The Dynamics of Kin in an Industrial Community Tamara K. Hareven
3. Black Women, Work, and the Family Under Slavery Jacqueline Jones
4. The Historical Problem of the Family Wage Martha May
5. Gender, Race, and Class: The Impact of the State on Family and Economy, 1790-1945 Eileen Boris and Peter Bardaglio
6. Women�s Work, Housework, and History: The Historical Roots of Inequality in Work Force Participation Ruth Schwartz Cowan
7. Doing Housework: Feeding and Family Life Marjorie L. DeVault
8. Male Resistance to Role Symmetry Janet G. Hunt and Larry L. Hunt
9. Children�s Work in the Family: Its Meaning and Significance Lynn K. White and David B. Brinkerhoff
10. The Hidden Work of Constructing Class and Community: Women Volunteer Leaders in Social Philanthropy Arlene K. Daniels
11. Servants to Capital: Unpaid Domestic Labor and Paid Work Nona Y. Glazer
12. How Women Choose Between Employment and Family Kathleen Gerson
13. Family and Job for Working Class Women: Gender and Class Systems Seen from Below Myra Marx Ferree
14. Female-Headed Households: Poor Women�s Choice Marietta Morrissep
15. Marriage and Family of Blue Collar Men David Halle
16. Work, Family, and Social Integration: The Salaried Middle Class Robert Zussman
17. The Myth of Merit and Male Professional Career: The Role of Wives Martha R. Fowlkes
18. Work, Family, and Socialization of the Child Lois Hoffman
19. Children�s Employment and Families Ellen Greenberger
20. Three Careers: His, Hers, and Theirs Rosanna Hertz
21. Commuter Marriage: A Microcosm of Career and Family Conflict Naomi Gerstel and Harriet Gross
22. Sexuality, Class, and Conflict in a Lesbian Workplace Kathleen M. Weston and Lisa B. Rofel
23. Adjusting Work and Family Life: Flexible Work Schedules and Family Policy Sheila M. Rothman and Emil Menlo Marks
24. Women, Families, and Home-Based Employment Kathleen E. Christensen
25. The Pauperization of Motherhood: Patriarchy and Public Policy in the United States Nancy Folbre
27. Women and the State: Ideology, Power, and the Welfare State Frances Fox Piven
28. The Debate Over Equality for Women in the Work Place: Recognizing Differences Alice Kessler-Harris
Naomi Gerstel is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Harriet Engel Gross is University Professor of Sociology at Governor's State University.
Women's Studies
Family Policy
Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg.
No longer active.
Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg, includes books on women and issues of work, family, social movements, politics, feminism, and empowerment. It emphasizes women's roles in society and the social construction of gender and also explores current policy issues like comparable worth, international development, job training, and parental leave.
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