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cloth 0-87722-527-3 $39.95, Apr 88, Out of Print
256 pp
The essays in this volume explore methods of evaluating the efficiency of public programs through a consideration of one program, Vocational Rehabilitation. They focus in particular on benefit-cost analysis, and investigate its uses and limitations as an instrument for assessing the performance of the Vocational Rehabilitation program. Since other manpower and human service programs share characteristics with Vocational Rehabilitation, this study will have broad relevance to administrators, policymakers, and individuals served by these programs.
1. The Cost-Benefit Tradition in Vocational Rehabilitation Edward Berkowitz
2. Welfare Measurement for Cost-Benefit Analysis William Milberg
3. Benefit and Cost Models John D. Worrall
4. A Model Based on Individual Behavior Duncan Mann
5. The Vocational Rehabilitation Data Base and the Estimation of Benefit-Cost Ratios Ernest Gibbs
6. Correcting for Zero Wages at Referral Anita G. Hall-Kane and Ernest Gibbs
7. Imputing Benefits to Persons Closed Not Rehabilitated David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
8. Benefit-Cost Analyses Conducted by State Agencies Frederick C. Collingnon
9. Collection of Data by State Agencies Stanley E. Portny
10. Using a Better Measure for Services David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
11. Using Better Measures of Disability Status David H. Dean and William Milberg
12. Establishing a Mini-Data Link David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
Monroe Berkowitz is Professor of Economics at Rutgers University and author of the award-winning book Disability and the Labor Market.
Labor Studies and Work
Political Science and Public Policy
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