Explores the geographical dimensions of Pennsylvania�s past


Concise Historical Atlas of Pennsylvania

edited by Edward K. Muller

paper EAN: 978-0-87722-672-7 (ISBN: 0-87722-672-5)
$35.95, Nov 89, Out of Stock Unavailable
48 pp

This concise historical atlas explores the geographical dimensions of Pennsylvania�s past. Excerpted from the comprehensive Atlas of Pennsylvania, it traces five themes that structured the changing historical geography of the Commonwealth: agricultural settlement, industrialization, cultural pluralism, urbanization, and connections to the world beyond Pennsylvania. From ancient Indian cultures to the most famous Civil War campaign; from trading disputes between Swedish and Dutch settlers to the activities of organized labor in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; from the establishment of the first colleges to the oil rush begun by Edwin Drake in 1859: this 48-page paperback provides a visual interpretation of Pennsylvania�s past from a wide range of perspectives.

About the Author(s)

Edward K. Muller is Associate Professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh.

Contributors: W. Fred Kinsey III, James B. Richardson III, Ann Marie Dykstra, Van Beck Hall, Richard O�Connor, Wilbur Zelinsky, Robert G. Doherty, William F. Trimble, Philip Scranton, Louise Bern, Paul E. Doutrich, and the editor.

Subject Categories

Philadelphia Region


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