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cloth 0-87722-582-6 $37.95, Jan 89, Out of Print
256 pp
This anthology examines the many-sided problem of worktime in American and European (including Soviet) society from 1800 to 1940. While some of the essays explore this question in the transition to the factory system, providing a fresh perspective on the social history of early industrial work and political culture, other papers interpret hours reform in the context of the modem state. Together, the ten essays suggest new possibilities for comparative historical research.
1. Worktime and Industrialization: An Introduction Gay Cross
2. Independent Hours: Time and the Artisan in the New Republic Howard Rock
3. Controlling the Product: Work, Time, and the Early Industrial Workforce in Britain, 1800-1850 Clive Behagg
4. Work, Leisure, and Moral Reform: The Ten-Hours Movement in New England, 1830-1850 Teresa Murphy
5. The Political Ideology of Short Time: England, 1820-1850 Stewart Weaver
6. Sane and Hopeful, Though Slow and Difficult: The Reduction of Women�s Working Hours in the Paid Labor Force, 1890-1920 Kathryn Kish Sklar
7. The Limits of Corporate Reform: Fordism, Taylorism, and the Working Week in the U.S., 1914-1929 David Roediger
8. Worktime in International Discontinuity, 1886-1940 Gay Cross
9. Worktime and Industrialization in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1941 William Chase and Lewis Siegelbaum
10. The New Deal: The Salvation of Work and the End of the Shorter Hour Movement Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt
Gary Cross is Associate Professor of History at the Pennsylvania State University and author of Immigrant Workers in Industrial France (Temple).
Labor and Social Change, edited by Paula Rayman and Carmen Sirianni.
Labor and Social Change, edited by Paula Rayman and Carmen Sirianni, includes books on workplace issues like worker participation, quality of work life, shorter hours, technological change, and productivity, as well as union and community organizing and ethnographies of particular occupations.
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