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cloth 0-87722-557-5 $42.50, Sep 88, Out of Stock Unavailable
308 pp
"This volume is a timely response to Allan Bloom�s phenomenally successful book, The Closing of the American Mind. These essays are evidence that there are vigorous academic intellects in the United States committed to open, rational ideals of democracy.... Certainly, these American philosophers and the philosopher they are honoring have no intention of following Bloom into some neo-medieval monastery. This festschrift could help alert the academic community to this recidivism in its latest and subtlest form and help set straight the intellectual accounts of values and of education in this troubled period."
Darnell Rucker, Skidmore College
Despite the dominance of analytic philosophy in this century, traditional moral philosophy and pragmatism have continued to shape our values and inform our culture. Elizabeth Flower has been one of the leaders in maintaining the strength of this tradition. In honor of her retirement from teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, this collection of essays by eminent American writers, some former students of Flower�s, displays something of the breadth that has characterized her work as well as the unity underlying it.
1. The Concept of Value and Its Travels in Twentieth-Century America Abraham Edel
2. Whatever Happened to Pragmatism? Robert Schwartz
3. John Dewey and the Founding Fathers R. W. Sleeper
4. Dewey and the Class Struggle Peter Manicas
5. Dewey, Inquiry, and Problem-Solving Finbarr W. O�Connor
6. The Gamble for Excellence: John Dewey�s Pedagogy of Experience John J. McDermott
7. Thorstein Veblen: Instinctive Values and Evolutionary Science Murray G. Murphey
8. The "TWO Cultures" and the Modem Imagination Leon Edel
9. Truths of Fiction: Value as Metaphor in Modem Literature Chaim Potok
10. Rationality, Ritual. and Relativism Lawrence Foster
11. A Limited Defense of the National Interest Robert L. Simon
12. Teaching "Ethics in Business": Leave It to Sisyphus Ivar Berg
13. Computers at School Israel Scheffler
14. Dirty Hands Joseph Margolis
Murray G. Murphey is Professor of American Civilization at the University of Pennsylvania.
Ivar Berg is Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.
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