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cloth 0-87722-640-7 $37.95, Dec 89, Out of Print
paper 0-87722-830-2 $30.95, Mar 91, Available
368 pp
"[Far�as'] book includes more concrete information relevant to Heidegger's relations with the Nazis than anything else available, and it is an excellent antidote to the evasive apologetics that are still being published."
Richard Rorty, The New Republic
Originally published in a French translation in 1987, this controversial work has received a tumultuous reception throughout Europe and continues to be the object of intense debate. In this first English edition, Victor Farias tracks the career of Martin Heideggerone of the most influential figures in twentieth-century philosophyand documents his intimate involvement with Nazism for much of his professional life.
Although scholars have long known about Heidegger�s early commitment to National Socialism, it was generally thought that he became disenchanted with Hitler well before the outbreak of World War II. After more than a decade of solitary study in a variety of archives, Farias presents a carefully constructed case in which he reveals Heidegger�s initial adherence to Hitler�s Nazism and his subsequent development of a more personal version of National Socialism. Heidegger�s devotion to those themes was always at the center of his mature thought, appears to have preceded his election as rector of the University of Freiburg, and was sustained to the end of his life. Farias examines with great care and persistence the charge that Heidegger, who died in 1976, was a life-long anti-Semite. He notes that the philosopher praised Hitler to his colleagues and refused, even after the war, to criticize Nazi atrocities and genocide, or to recant his earlier Nazism.
While Heidegger previously had appeared at worst naive by his acceptance of the Third Reich, Farias� evidence shows him to be the only major philosopher who freely embraced Nazismthe undisputed example of absolute evil in modern times. This damage to the official myth about Heidegger�s involvement raises questions about the relationship between politics and philosophy, about the presumed link between philosophy and virtue, and about what we may understand by the betrayal of reason in our time.
Heidegger and Nazism transforms the setting in which Heidegger�s standing will henceforth be assessed. From his earliest intellectual and emotional influences to the last posthumously published interview with Der Spiegel, Heidegger�s connection to National Socialism is shown to be a matter of conviction rather than necessary compromise as apologists still contend. Farias shows the reasonableness of linking the ideology and the philosophy and suggests where to probe to draw out detailed connections The book forces us to ponder the question of whether certain philosophical strategies and doctrinesparticularly associated with Heidegger�s existential hermeneutics and the effect of his themes on the development of deconstructionare not merely indefensible but peculiarly hospitable to the kind of "principled" falsification that fascists require. Providing the context for a close re-reading of Heidegger, this significant and historic work challenges the philosophical community to assess the full import of Heidegger�s life on his influential conception of philosophy and his resolution of particular philosophical problems.
Excerpt available at
"Fascinating material for a study of a philosopher who would seem to have cooperated eagerly with the false promises of tyranny."
Allen Lacy, The New York Times Book Review
"A major work in the controversy over Heidegger's connection with Nazism... it also offers a fascinating look into the academic world of Hitler's Germany."
"The most serious and pointed inquiry ever made of the political activities of Heidegger.... One thing is can never again, after Far�as' book, approach Heidegger as we did before.... How [has] all modern thought...been able to make the most important philosophy of the century from a philosophy which did not utter a word about genocide? Heidegger, a Nazi? Without doubt."
Robert Maggiori, Lib�ration
"Far�as has demonstrated that [Heidegger's] political engagement was even deeper and more enduring than had previously been suspected."
The Times Literary Supplement
"The significant achievement of Far�as' Heidegger and Nazism is that it established beyond doubt Heidegger's commitment to Nazism and his involvement in the activities of the Nazi regime; it establishes also that the connection between Heidegger's philosophy and Nazism is essential and that it constitutes an inescapable project for further philosophic research."
The Washington Post
Foreword Tom Rockmore and Joseph Margolis
Part I: From Youth to the Rectorship (1889-1933)
1. Messkirch, Origins, and the Religious Problem
2. The Jesuit Novitiate and the Seminary at Freiburg
3. Abraham a Sancta Clara and Martin Heidegger's First Written Work
4. Heidegger's Contribution to the Akademiker
5. From Freiburg to Marburg
Studies at the University of Freiburg
World War I
Martin Heidegger, Teacher of Catholic Philosophy: The Crisis of Modernism and the Break with the Church
Husserl at Freiburg
6. Marburg, Being and Time, and the Various Appointments
7. The Return to Freiburg and the Berlin Temptation
Part II: The Rectorate (1933-1934)
8. Heidegger, Rector at Freiburg
The German Student Movement and its Avant-Garde Role
The Seizure of Power in the Region of Baden: Freiburg
The Homage to Albert Leo Schlageter
9. The Rector's Address: Its Assumptions and Its Effects
10. Martin Heidegger's Activities as Rector
A Case of Political Denunciation
Students and Workers
Lessons on "The Fundamental Question of Philosophy" during the Summer Semester, 1933
11. Heidegger and University Politics in the Third Reich
Speeches at Heidelberg and Kiel: Heidegger and the Corporate Associations of University Professors
Heidegger's Speech on the University and the National Socialist State
Heidegger and the Association of German Universities
Heidegger, Krieck, and the Creation of the KADH
12. Support for Hitler and Conflicts with Krieck
The Demonstration of German Science of Adolf Hitler
Heidegger is Called to the Universities of Berlin and Munich
Attacks from Ernst Krieck and His Faction
13. The City and the Country: The Return to the Fatherland as a Political Theme
14. The End of the Rectorate
Part III: After the Rectorate: From 1934 to the Posthumously Published Interview
15. The Academy and the Professors of the Reich
The Declaration of August 1934
Heidegger and the Academy of Professors of the Reich
Heidegger and the Academy of German Law
Heidegger and the Advanced School for German Politics
Heidegger as Informer
16. Heidegger and the State Ideological Apparatus
The Chair at G�ttingen
The "Introduction to Metaphysics" Lectures (1935)
An Article by Elfride Heidegger-Petri
The Attitude of the Regime toward Heidegger around 1936
Writings: "Origin of the Work of Art" and "Ways to Language"
The Philosophical Congresses at Prague (1934) and at Paris
The Lectures on Nietzsche's Philosophy
17. Heidegger and the State Ideological Apparatus (Continued): Rome and Berlin
Heidegger at Prague (1940) and at Munich (1941)
Heidegger and Il Duce
Parmenides and Heraclitus (1943-1944)
The End of the War and the Beginning of Polemos
18. Return to Abram a Sancta Clara
The Spiegel Interview
![]() | Chilean scholar Victor Far�as teaches in the Latin American Institute at the Free University of Berlin. A one-time student of Heidegger's, he holds a Doctorate in Philosophy. |
Joseph Margolis is Laura Carnell Professor of Philosophy at Temple University.
Tom Rockmore is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University.
Contributors: Edited, with a Foreword, by Joseph Margolis and Tom Rockmore. French materials translated by Paul Burrell, with the advice of Dominic Di Bernardi. German materials translated by Gabriel R. Ricci.
Political Science and Public Policy
Philosophy and Ethics
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