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cloth 0-87722-630-X $59.50, Dec 89, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 0-87722-654-7 $29.95, Dec 89, Out of Stock Unavailable
670 pp
"The most thought-provoking articles on socialist-feminism written over the last 25 years. Covering an impressive array of topics from patriarchy to pornography, the book provides a valuable commentary worthy of continuing study and critique."
New Directions for Women
This anthology gathers the past decade�s most thought-provoking and self-reflective articles written from a socialist-feminist perspective. It includes contemporary "classics" on socialist feminism by Juliet Mitchell, Gayle Rubin, Zillah Eisenstein, and Heidi I. Hartmann; reflections on the movement itself; and discussions on such issues as sexuality and pornography, work and the labor movement, and the viability of socialist feminist strategies in a liberal world.
1. Women, Class and the Feminist Imagination: An Introduction llene J. Philipson and Karen V. Hansen
Part I: The Past
Socialist Feminist Classics
2. Women: The Longest Revolution Juliet Mitchell
3. The Traffic in Women: Notes on the "Political Economy" of Sex Gayle Rubin
4. Constructing a Theory of Capitalist Patriarchy and Socialist Feminism Zillah Eisenstein
5. Capitalism, Patriarchy and Job Segregation by Sex Heidi I. Han�mann
Socialist-Feminist Organizations
6. The Social Experience of Bread and Roses: Building a Community and Creating a Culture Annie Popkin
7. Women�s Unions and the Search for a Political Identity Karen V. Hansen
8. The Rise and Fall of Feminist Organizations in the 1970s: Dayton as a Case Study Judith Sealander and Dorothy Smith
9. Class, Race, and Reproductive Rights: Movement Work and its Contradictions Adele Clarke and Alice Wolfson
Reevaluating Socialist Feminism
10. life without Father: Reconsidering Socialist-Feminist Theory Barbara Ehrenreich
11. Conceptualizing and Changing Consciousness: Socialist-Feminist Perspectives Sandra Morgen
12. Capitalism without Patriarchy Judith Van Allen
13. The Impasse of Feminism: A Conversation Deirdre English, Barbara Epstein, Barbara Haber, and Judy MacLean
Part II: The Present
Family Life in Postindustrial America
14. The Fading Dream: Economic Crisis and the New Inequality Elliott Currie, Robert Dunn, and David Fogarty
15. Sexism by a Subtler Name? Postindustrial Conditions and Postfeminist Consciousness in Silicon Valley Judith Stacey
16. Is the legacy of Second-Wave Feminism Post-Feminism? Rayna Rapp
17. Minority Families in Crisis: The Public Discussion Maxine Baca Zinn
18. Heterosexual Antagonisms and the Politics of Mothering llene J. Philipson
19. When Women and Men Mother Diane Ehrensatt
Sexuality and Pornography
20. I�m Black and Blue from the Rolling Stones and I�m Not Sure How I Feel about It: Pornography and the Feminist Imagination Kate Ellis
21. Beyond the Virgin and the Whore Ilene J. Philipson
22. Subverting Power in Sexuality Lorna Weir and Leo Casey
Women, Work, and the Labor Movement
23. The Just Rice, the Free Market, and the Value of Women Alice Kessler-Harris
24. Feminist Political Discourses: Radical versus Liberal Approaches to the Feminization of Poverty and Comparable Worth Johanna Brenner
25. Radical Challenges in a Liberal World: The Mixed Success of Comparable Worth Ronnie J. Steinberg
26. The New Economy: Female Labor and the Office of the Future Barbara Baran
Part III: The Future
27. The Future of Motherhood: Some Unfashionably Visionary Thoughts Elayne Rapping
28. Second Thoughts on the Second Wave Deborah Rosenfelt and Judith Stacey
29. The Race for Theory: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1990s Barbara Christian
30. A Manifesto for Cyborgs Donna Haraway
Karen V. Hansen is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Ilene J. Philipson is on the faculty of the Psychology Graduate Program at the New College of California, San Francisco.
Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg.
No longer active.
Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg, includes books on women and issues of work, family, social movements, politics, feminism, and empowerment. It emphasizes women's roles in society and the social construction of gender and also explores current policy issues like comparable worth, international development, job training, and parental leave.
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