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cloth 0-87722-682-2 $61.50, May 90, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 0-87722-924-4 $28.95, Oct 91, Out of Stock Unavailable
Electronic Book 1-43990-356-5 $28.95 Out of Stock Unavailable
272 pp
10 tables
"An in-depth, carefully researched analysis.... The book is particularly useful for public policymakers, school administrators, and faculty and for graduate students in educational policy studies."
This is the first study comparing the long-term effectiveness of voluntary desegregation plans with magnet programs to mandatory reassignment plans. In a survey of school personnel and parents in 119 school districts, Christine H. Rossell finds that the voluntary plans with incentives (magnets) ultimately produce more interracial exposure than the mandatory plans. Her conclusion contradicts three decades of research that judged mandatory reassignment plans more effective than voluntary plans in desegregating schools.
Rossell examines the evolution of school desegregation and addresses a number of issues with regard to public policy. She questions how to measure the effectiveness of school desegregation remedies, suggesting interracial exposure as a criterion because it reflects the white flight that threatens to minimize the effects of such programs. She analyzes the characteristics of magnet schools that are attractive to white and black parents and the effect of magnet schools on the quality of education.
The magnet plans studied here are qualitatively different from the old freedom-of-choice plans implemented in the South and majority-to-minority plans implemented in the North in the 1950s and 1960s. Rossell compares this public choice model of policy-making with previous mandatory efforts and examines court decisions that indicate a growing belief in the effectiveness of voluntary compliance for achieving school desegregation.
"A significant achievement.... Assembling the most comprehensive data base and the most persuasive analysis to date on relative effectiveness of voluntary versus mandatory desegregation plans, Rossell concludes not only that mandatory desegregation techniques cause long-term white flight, but also that the white loss is large enough to render 'mandatory magnet' plans less effective than 'voluntary magnet' plans."
Contemporary Sociology
"A very well-written analysis of...a topic of major policy policy researchers, educational policy-makers, lawyers and judges, sociologists, and members of the sophisticated public involved in school desegregation matters."
Jeffrey A. Raffel, University of Delaware
1. The Past and the Future of School Desegregation Remedies
The Evolution of School Desegregation Remedies
Attitudes Toward Desegregation
Self-Interest and Compliance
The Public Choice Model
Magnet School Plans
Departures from Past Research
Outline of Chapters
2. Defining School Desegregation and Its Goal
The Effect of Interracial Exposure on Minority Children
The Measurement of Interracial Exposure
3. A Comparison of Voluntary and Mandatory Desegregation Plans
Sampling Criteria
Classifying Plans into Magnet-Voluntary and Magnet-Mandatory
Community Characteristics
Magnet Programs
White Flight
Interracial Exposure
Racial Imbalance
Racially Identifiable Schools
Matched Pairs
Net Benefit
Dismantling Mandatory Plans
4. What Is Attractive About Magnet Schools?
The Literature
Location and Percentage of Minority Pupils
Pupil-Teacher Ratios
Physical Appearance
Educational Benefits
Magnet Success in 20 School Districts
Indicators of Success
The Cost of Magnet Schools
5. What Have School Desegregation Plans Accomplished?
Enrollment Trends
Desegregation Assessment Measures
Interracial Exposure
Racial Imbalance: The Index of Dissimilarity
The Percentage of Students in Desegregated Schools
The Percentage of Minority Students in White and Minority Schools
Big City School Desegregation
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
Metropolitan Plans
Policy Recommendations
Controlled Choice
Equity, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
Ranking by Three Criteria
Models of Policymaking
Index of Court Cases
Christine H. Rossell is Professor of Political Science at Boston University and the co-editor of The Consequences of School Desegregation (Temple).
Political Science and Public Policy
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