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cloth 0-87722-755-1 $51.50, Jan 91, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 0-87722-766-7 $34.95, Feb 91, Available
448 pp
"This unique book is an important contribution to the field of policing. It incorporates the case study of organizational change in the Troy Police Department, a textbook on police administration, and a manifesto on police reform. Guyot intermingles these three aspects in a surprising and fascinating fashion by utilizing well-selected and diversified anecdotes. These anecdotes become classic ethnographies of police leadership that are not readily available in the literature currently dominated by street-officer perspectives. For anyone interested in the complexities of police leadership, this is a stimulating and provocatively written book."
Lawrence W. Sherman, University of Maryland
In this work, Dorothy Guyot asks: What makes a good police department? In analyzing the transformation of the police department in Troy, New York. she explains a set of standards by which the quality of police service can be judged and illustrates a way to improve services over the long run. Throughout her case study and analysis, Guyot asks penetrating questions about the performance of police departments. She maintains that when police officers are treated as professionals by their department, they will act professionally toward citizens. This examination of fifteen years of policymaking within a single department looks at policing as a complex social service in an urban environment.
Rather than accepting the traditional "chain of command" authoritarian model of police administration, Guyot draws an analogy to hospital organization and suggests that the practitioner, whether a physician or a cop on the beat, performs the service with a tremendous amount of discretion. It follows that better management tactics at the police chief level as well as better employment policies will result in more responsible and dedicated policing by officers. The author demonstrates how, under the leadership of George W. O�Connor, the Troy P.D. changed from a backward department to one that promotes competence, as well as concern for citizens, among its individual officers.
The book is organized by issues and provides a full picture of how upgrading can be achieved through clear and specific goals. Throughout this case study, Guyot provides many examples of the behavior of police officers on the street, to illustrate the differences made by restructuring the department.
Excerpt available at
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I: Service by Professional Police Officers
1. Two Transformations in Police Upgrading
Police Work
The Transformation toward Professional Police Administration
The Transformation toward Professional Police Officers
The Pace of the Two Transformations
What Makes a Good Police Department?
Overview of the Book
2. Overcoming Inertia
Resistance to Change
Critique from the Perspective of Professional Administrators
Fear of Change
The Commissioner
Overcoming the Fear of Change
Opportunities and Resources for Growth
Civil Service and Union Impediments
Leaving the Cowpath for New Roads
Authority over Police
3. Patrol Officers: General Practitioners Who Make House Calls
The Diverse Work of Patrol
Skill in the Use of Discretion
Police Service as Evaluated by Recipients
Response Time as a Misused Performance Measure
Consumer Demand as a Rough Measure of Consumer Satisfaction
The Long, Hard Road to Open Exercise of Discretion
4. The Hospital Model
Insights from Organization Theory
An Overview of the Hospital Model
The People Attracted to Police Work
Increasing Individual Accountability
Weak Departmental Accountability
Increasing the Skills and Status of Police Officers
Similarities between Policing and Public Health Medicine
Part II: Coping with Crime
5. Arrests
Legal Arrests
Proper Treatment of Prisoners
A Broad Base of Public Involvement
Arrest Performance
Organizational Changes to Facilitate Burglary Arrests
Court Outcomes of Arrest
Using the Hospital Model to Produce New Patterns of Arrest
6. Solving Crime Problems
The Crime Index as a False Performance Measure
Preventing Crimes by Working with Youth
Reducing the Access of Potential Offenders
Crime Prevention through Work with Potential Victims Helping Victims
7. From Fear of Crime to Sense of Safety
Wave of Fear
Throwing Manpower at Crime
A Building to Radiate Crime Prevention
Crime Problems and Fear Problems
Explaining the Sense of Safety from Criminal Attack
A Conflict over Crime News
Police Programs to Promote a Sense of Protection
Friendly Relations to Promote a Sense of Protection
Part III: Police Power
8. Police Malpractice
Instances of Police Malpractice
Shortcomings of Disciplinary Systems
Estimating Levels of Malpractice
Systematic Promotion of Professional Practice
9. Union Power
Union Perspectives
Union Solidarity
Bread-and-Butter Issues
Protecting Members from Management
Police Associations in Various Arenas
Contractual Impediments to Enhancement of Service
Contractual Support for Professional Service
The Structural Basis of Union-Management Power Struggles
10. Political Accountability versus Political Interference
Interference in Personnel Matters
Distinctions between Political Accountability and Interference
The Political Context of Directing a Police Department
Appointment of a Police Manager as a Tool for Accountability
Limited Accountability through the Budget Process
Elections: Confusion without Accountability
Interference and Accountability Exercised by the City Council
Summary of Accountability on Service
Summary on Police Power
Part IV: Excellence in Police Service
11. Building Bridges between Police and Public
Peaceful Use of the Streets by Everyone
Officers and Citizens Being Human Together
Common Misguided Attempts to Build Bridges
Four Fundamental Ways to Build Bridges
Police Officers and Citizens as Part of the Same Community
12. Fairness
Fairness in Law Enforcement
Fairness in the Provision of Service
Learning the Courage of Commitment
Structures to Increase Fairness
Appendix: Some Worthwhile Questions
General Index
Author Index
Dorothy Guyot, a faculty member at St. John�s College, Annapolis, was previously an Associate Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University and at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She was also a management analyst for the Yonkers Police Department.
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