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cloth 0-87722-815-9 $54.95, Sep 91, Out of Print
200 pp
"Against Instinct is well organized, nicely argued, and extraordinarily well-written. This book will be a challenge to the dominant view. Among its virtues is the author's rich use of philosophical and other sources; his use of image is wonderful throughout. Its readership should include philosophers of psychology, mind, action, biology, and science as well as those interested in the prospects of AI work. Philosophers will learn some psychology; psychologists might learn some philosophy."
Don Gustafson, University of Cincinnati
Are we genetically programmed to behave as we do and to learn what we do? is human control over human destiny biologically and, ultimately, physically predetermined? Is our ability to vary ad lib the amount and direction of our personal efforts an idle illusion? Against Instinct challenges recent philosophy�s all too common "Yes, but" answers to these questions. In this skeptical critique of the rampant nativism of the behavioral and cognitive sciences, Dennis M. Senchuk confronts the full range of experimental and bio-theoretical supports for the claim of instinct. Instead of arguing in favor of nurture over nature, he reorients this perennial controversy along a different axis. In the process, Senchuk propounds and defends a novel, radically non-nativistic philosophy of action and of mind.
Part I: The Scientific Quest for Instinct
1. The Slippery Notion of Behavioral Innateness
Snarled Criteria of Innate Behavior
A Forthright Experiment, Some Possibly Crooked Facts
The Intimacy of Learning and Genetic Decoding
Information as the Innate Component of Behavior
Adaptive Behavior, Sign Stimuli, and Information
Evolution and Information Theory
Behavioral Images of the Environment
The Uninformed Elasticity of Supposedly Innate Behavior
Rigidity as a Possible Criterion of Innateness
2. Theoretically Questionable Experimental Support for Instinct
Problematic Applications of the Deprivation Experiment
Tangled Environmental Influences upon the Development of Behavior
Theoretical Insights Bearing on Inductive Failures to Identify Innate Behavior
Instincts as Behavioral Impulses
The Presumable Omnipresence of Environmental Determination
Relations between Learning and Orientation Mechanisms
Efforts to Individuate Simple Movements
A Phenomenological Defense of Animal Intelligence
Manifest versus Scientific Images of Intelligent Behaviors of Behavior
Intelligence as an Alternative to Instinct and to Learning
Computer Simulations and the Faculty of Intellect
The Process and the Products of Intelligence
The Role of Problem Grasping in Genuinely Intelligent Functioning
Dualism, Mechanism, and the Hypothesis of Genuine Intelligence
3. Two Psychophilosophical Theories of Intelligence
Reintroducing Gestalt Theory: Koffka on Instinct as a Prelude to Intelligence
The Problem of Intelligence: To Grasp Ideas as Solutions
The Supposed Continuity of Instinct and Intelligence
Free Dynamics, Particular Constraints
A Dynamic Model of Attention
Goal Seeking as Stress Directed
Beyond the Present, toward the Absent
Dewey's Naturalistic Standpoint
Dewey's Seamless Web: Experience without Representation
Figuratively Stirred to Consciousness
Impulse as against Instinct
The Infant's Need for Social Commerce
The Mystery of Deliberation
Crossed Purposes: Dewey's Concession to Instinct
4. The Epigenesis of Behavior
Kuo's Epigenetic Standpoint
The Concept and Theory of Behavioral Gradients
The Concept and Theory of Behavioral Potentials
The Diminution of Plasticity Thesis
Epigenesis as Historicism: Laws and Other Patterns of Development
Habituation and Diminution: Deweyan Prospects for Kuo's Theory
Patterning and Reduced Plasticity
Social and Structural-Functional Influences on Plasticity
Kuo's Program of Charting Ranges of Behavioral Potentials
Rethinking the Role of the Brain in Behavior
Jensen's Research Program: Comparative Harmony, Ethological Discord
Chief Epigenetic Challenges to the Ethological Enterprise
Part II: Philosophical Remonstrances
5. Plasticity, Teleology, and Instinct
S-R Theoretic Plasticity
Epigenetic Plasticity
Teleological Plasticity
Reasonable Assignments of Teleology
The Conceptual Compatibility between Plasticity and Instinct
6. Intelligent Behavior, Purposiveness, and Consciousness
Intelligent Habits and Capacities: From Dewey to Ryle
Somewhere between Episodes and Dispositions
Further Features of Rylean Frames of Mind
Introducing Conscious Readiness
The Role of Conscious Readiness in Purposive Behavior
7. The Functionalistic Turn of Recent Philosophical Psychology
Ryle's Credentials as a Functionalist
Artificial Intelligence as a Reductio ad Absurdum of Functionalism
The Elusive Functioning of Conscious Readiness
The Strange Fellowship of Turing Machines
Isomorphic Oddities
Some Philosophical Merits of Functionalism
8. The Possibility of Teleological Flexibility
Variously Realized Teleological Schemes
Automata, Performers and Composers
Intelligence as Opposed to Instinct
The Phenomenon of Intentionality
Brute Thoughts
Stretching toward Goal-Objects
9. A Credible Alternative to Instinct
Vestiges of Nativism in Flexible Behavioral Tendencies
Minimizing Instinctivity without Destroying Flexibility
The Image of Consciousness in Action
The Role Played by Conscious Readiness
Consciousness in Development
Consciousness as Active Prehensiveness
Native Conscious Readiness: A Concession to Leibniz?
10. Beyond Nature-Nurture, But Nature Above All
Depolarization of Fate and Freedom
Creedal Determinism
Interrogating Bergson's Argument for Vitalism
A Denial of Supervenience: Neutral Monism and Psychological Indeterminacy
Russell's Causal Skeleton: Destiny and Hierarchical Determination
The Closed System and Its Enemy: Popper on Downward Causation and Deep Indeterminacy
Consciousness Naturalized: Supervenience without Physical Determinism
11. Final Reckoning
The Dual-Aspect Nightmare
The Case against Psychological Functionalism
Nature and Fate: Some Consequences of the Principle of Sufficient Reason
Toward a Methodological Reconciliation with the Scientific Image
Emergent Indeterminacy and Unified Science: Some Neurological Speculations
Prospects for Further Research on Flexible Functioning
Beyond the Bounds: Sociobiological Constraints on Being Human
Flexibility as Fate
![]() | Dennis M. Senchuk is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University. |
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