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cloth 1-56639-046-X $64.50, Jun 93, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 1-56639-047-8 $30.95, Jun 93, Out of Stock Unavailable
Electronic Book 1-43990-358-1 $66.50 Out of Stock Unavailable
304 pp
1 table
"This volume makes a worthwhile contribution to contemporary philosophical debate in America, presenting a coherent set of points of view that stake out the terrain of radical analysis."
David Sprintzen, Long Island University
Bringing together new essays by the leading figures in contemporary radical philosophy, this provocative collection defines for the first time the boundaries and accomplishments of a body of work deeply critical of both the philosophical and social dimensions of domination. The contributors draw on diverse traditions and movements, including feminism, critical theory, Marxism, deconstruction, democratic socialism, theories of race and ethnicity, deep ecology, and politicized spirituality.
Preface: About Richard Schmitt
Introduction: Dimensions of Radical Philosophy Roger S. Gottlieb
Part I: Tradition
1. Does Reason Have a Gender? Ann Ferguson
2. Ethnocentrism in Grand Theory Linda Nicholson
3. How is Epistemology Political? Linda Alcoff
4. Varieties of Moral Conflict, Varieties of Resolutions Amelie Oksenberg Rorty
Part II: Counter-Tradition
5. A Democratic Theory of Economic Exploitation Dialectically Developed David Schweickart
6. Justice and Communicative Democracy Iris Marion Young
7. Post-Marxism: Laclau and Mouffe on Essentialism Milton Fisk
8. Marxism and the Mastery of Nature: An Ecological Critique Andrew McLaughlin
9. Broken Relations: Some Barriers to the Triumph of Feminine Virtue Roger S. Gottlieb
Part III: Politics
10. Radical Philosophy and the New Social Movements Frank Cunningham
11. Slavery and Tragedy Elizabeth V. Spelman
12. A Fairy Tale with a Difference? Class and Gender in Pretty Woman Thomas E. Wartenberg
Bibliography: Resources in Radical Philosophy
Roger S. Gottlieb is Professor of Philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He has published five other books, including History and Subjectivity: The Transformation of Marxist Theory (Temple).
Contributors: Linda Alcoff, Frank Cunningham, Ann Ferguson, Milton Fisk, Andrew McLaughlin, Linda Nicholson, Amelie Oksenberg Rorty, David Schweickart, Elizabeth V. Spelman, Thomas E. Wartenberg, Iris Marion Young, and the editor.
Philosophy and Ethics
Political Science and Public Policy
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