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240 pp
"Anyone considering a new method of conception or struggling to resolve infertility should read this book. The authors point to the need for more public discussion of infertility and more social support groups for the infertile. Reading and discussing this book is a first step. It is also an excellent supplementary text for courses in human sexuality, sex and gender roles, women and society, or medical ethics, and is guaranteed to provoke lively class discussion."
Contemporary Sociology
This revised and updated edition provides an accessible discussion of how new reproductive technologies work and how well they work. Includes gripping personal and professional accounts from infertility specialists and would-be parents who have used in vitro fertilization, donor insemination, surrogacy, and other technologies. Would-be parents speak candidly about the difficult processrepeated office visits, frequent tests, and anxious waiting for resultsand the staggering costsin dollars, stress, and physical consequences.
"This book will be useful for several audiences. Infertile women and men considering the new reproductive technologies will find this book an invaluable resource. Health professionals working with infertility patients will find that the book offers helpful insights into the experiences and concerns of their clients. Finally, researchers studying infertility will find this book to be a rich source of interesting hypotheses."
Contemporary Psychology
"Lasker and Borg present a thoughtful and sensitive examination of the world of the new reproductive technologies. Most importantly, they offer us the voices of the women and men who have been there: in infertility clinics, in in vitro programs, in so-called 'surrogacy' contracts. They share with us the success and failure, joy and grief of our brave new world of reproduction."
Barbara Katz Rothman, author of The Tentative Pregnancy: Prenatal Diagnosis and the Future of Motherhood
Preface to New Edition
Part I: The Trauma of Infertility
1. The Drive to Have Children
Personal and Social Pressures
Why Not Adopt?
The Pressure to Keep Trying
2. Feelings of Grief
The Grief Process
Grief with Secondary Infertility and Pregnancy Loss
Part II: The Methods
3. Artificial Insemination
AIH and AID: Responses to Infertility
The Donor
An Experience of Donor Insemination
Keeping AID Secret
Single heterosexual and Lesbian Women
4. In VitroFertilization
Success Rates
An Experience of IVF
The Risks of IVF
5. Surrogacy
An Experience with Surrogacy
Screening Couples and Surrogate Mothers
The Relationship Between Surrogate Mother and Couple
Problems with Surrogacy
6. The Rise and Fall of Ovum Transfer: A Cautionary Tale
Ovum Transfer as an Infertility Treatment
The Commercialization of Ovum Transfer
The Fall of OT
Ovum Transfer for Prenatal Diagnosis
Part III: Significant Others
7. Donors and Surrogate Mothers
Who Becomes a Donor or Surrogate Mother?
The Ideal Donor, the Ideal Surrogate Mother
Finding One's Own Donor
Risks for Egg Donors and Surrogate Mothers
Risks for Sperm Donors
Donors and Recipients
8. The Professionals
Professionals and Their Motives
The Power of Professionals
Meeting the Needs of Clients
Stresses on Professionals
Part IV: Effects on the Family
9. The Couple
Stresses on the Couple
Men and Women: Different Responses
Effects of Stress
10. High-Tech Children
Special Problems for the Children
The Search
The Child's Relationship to the Donor or Surrogate Mother
Telling the Child
Single Heterosexual and Gay Parents
The Family
11. Reactions of Others
Responses of Friends and Family
Public Responses
Reasons for Disapproval
Groups in Opposition
Coping with Disapproval
Scenarios for the Future
What Should Be Done?
![]() | Judith N. Lasker is a Professor I the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lehigh University. |
Susan Borg is Director of the Department of Urban Planning and Development, West Orange, New Jersey. Together they have also authored When Pregnancy Fails: Families Coping with Miscarriage, Ectopic Pregnancy, Stillbirth and Infant Death.
General Interest
Health and Health Policy
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