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296 pp
5 figures
"As engineers undertake to mobilize people and resources to effect change, they will encounter a growing need to understand the social values that drive their decisions as well as the ethical consequences of those decisions. Books like The Ethical Engineer can greatly assist in this process. The Ethical Engineer is a good book at the right time."
Frederick C. Nelson, Dean of Engineering, Tufts University
On occasion, professionals need to use moral reasoning as well as engineering skills to function effectively in their occupation. Eugene Schlossberger has created a practical guide to ethical decision-making for engineers, students, and workers in business and industry.
The Ethical Engineer sets out the tools and materials essential to dealing with whistle-blowing, environmental and safety concerns, bidding, confidentiality, conflict of interest, sales ethics, advertising, employer-employee relations, when to fight a battle, and when to break the rules.
The author offers recommendations and techniques as well as rules, principles, and values that can guide the reader. Lively examples, engaging anecdotes, witty comments, and well-reasoned analysis prove his conviction that "ethics is good business."
Excerpt available at
"The Ethical Engineer is likely to make a very important contribution to the ethical development and eventually, the ethical practice, of the next generation of American engineers. It is an important, useful, and well-executed text. One outstanding feature is that its discussions are well targeted to help students care about ethics and the significance ethics has for their lives. The coverage is excellent: relevant cases and issues from the business ethics literature are nicely integrated into the text."
Professor David James, Department of Philosophy, Old Dominion University
Part I: Introduction
1. The Nature of Engineering Ethics
What This Book Is About
Why Ethics for Engineers?
A Revealing Case
Cut-Throat versus Community Workplaces
The Consumer Life versus the Life of Values
What Should I Do?
2. Ethical Decision Making
The Nature of Ethical Decision Making
How to Use This Book
A Template for Moral Decision Making
Part II: Sources of Ethical Decision Making
3. Values of the Engineering Profession
Extent of a Risk
Balancing Risks against Benefits
Nature of Risks
Publicizing Risks
Human Progress
Clean, Clear Decision Making
Partnership with Nature
Environmental Awareness
Environmental Considerations
4. Additional Ethical Sources
When to Fight a Battle
Treating Others Fairly and Well
The Duty to Leave the World No Worse
Respect for Persons
Principles of Accountability
Institutional Duties
Models of the Professions
Promoting Good Consequences
Moral Precedents
The Golden Rule
Personal Values and the Good Life
When to Break the Rules
Part III: Problems and Issues in Engineering
5. Honesty and Professionalism
The Role of Professional Societies
Keeping Accurate Records and Obeying the Law
Consulting versus Adversarial Sales
6. Good Faith
Conflict of Interest
Confidentiality and Trade Secrets
Patents and Copyrights
7. Employee-Employer Relations
Types of Work Relationships
Leadership and Healthy Work Environments
Dealing with Subordinates
Friendship, Favoritism, and Professional Relations
Hiring Practices
Interdepartmental Dealings and Hiring away from Another Firm
8. Special Issues in Consulting Engineering
Dishonest or Misleading Advertising
Unseemly or Demeaning Advertising
Competing with Other Firms
Competitive Bidding
Contingency Fees
Bribes and Kickbacks
Derogatory Remarks about Other Engineers
Reviewing the Work of Others
Reviewing the Work of Unlicensed Individuals
Reviewing the Work of Other Engineers
Safety and Liability
Appendix 1: Two Sample Suggestions
Formation of an Environmental and Community Issues Advisory Board
Ethical Ombudsperson
Appendix 2: Summary of Key Points
List of Cases
Eugene Schlossberger is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Philosophy at Purdue University at Calumet. He is also the author of Moral Responsibility and Persons (Temple).
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