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cloth 0-87722-919-8 $74.50, Oct 91, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 0-87722-920-1 $22.95, Oct 91, Out of Print
244 pp
"Fresh in conception, fair, and elegantly written, a valuable guide to historical work by sociologists."
Charles Tilly, New School for Social Research
In the aftermath of its near-demise by fascism and Stalinism, the resurgence of historical sociology has been one of the most important developments in contemporary sociology and history. Dennis Smith traces the spectacular growth of interest in social history in the West in a much-needed survey that combines lively critique of key works with a framework of interpretation for this intellectual field. He locates the 'second long wave' of historical sociology extending from the post-World War II era into the present and provides a reliable and informative guide to the most influential authors who have contributed to this field in recent times.
Describing this discipline as the study of the past to find out how societies work and change, the author identifies three phases of postwar historical sociology. These periods were shaped by the battle with totalitarianism; the protest movements for student rights, Black Power, an end to the Vietnam War; the Women's Movement; and the fragmentation of the stable bipolar world of the Cold War. Within the context of these sociopolitical eras, Smith discusses the work of the following historical sociologists: Parsons, Smelser, Eisenstadt, Lipset, Marshall, Bendix, Bloch, Elias, Moore, Thompson, Skocpol, Tilly, Anderson, Wallerstein, Braudel, Mann, Runciman, and Giddens.
List of figures
1. Like a Phoenix Rising
The post-war resurgence of historical sociology
What is historical sociology?
Three phases of post-war historical sociology
2. Out of the Ashes
War and peace
The end of ideology?
The American way: Parsons and Smelser
Interpreting social dynamism
Handling and channeling social change
A laboratory report
The sociologist as patriot
Three ways to persuade
Citizenship and social class
Order and justice
Old empires, new nations: Eisenstadt and Lipset
Ideology and social conflict: Marshall and Bendix
3. Taking Flight
Injustice and domination
Human interdependence: Bloch and Elias
Feudal society
The civilizing process
An uppity generation?
Two critical rationalists: Moore and Thompson
Social origins of dictatorship and democracy
The making of the English working class
Moral codes and human choice
States and social revolutions
Comparing and explaining
Skocpol, Trotsky and Eisenstadt
The politics of social policy
Collective action
Coercion, capital and European states
Reason and revolution: Skocpol and Tilly
4. Soaring High
History from above
Two Marxian perspectives: Anderson and Wallerstein
From ancient Greece to absolutist monarchy
The figures of descent
The capitalist world-economy
Comparing Wallerstein and Anderson
Infrastructures of power: Braudel and Mann
Evolution and discontinuity (1)
The longue dur�e
The Mediterranean world
Civilization and capitalism
The sources of social power
Greece and Rome
The European dynamic
Classes, nations, states and warfare
Constructing theories: Runciman and Giddens
The methodology of social theory
Social evolution
Structuration or evolution?
From class-divided to class societies
Surveillance and citizenship
Evolution and discontinuity (2)
5. Historical Sociology in the 1990s
Historical sociology as an intellectual field
Established and outsiders
Involvement and detachment
Exploration, generalization and theory
Strategies of explanation
Historical sociology and capitalist democracy
The first phase: democracy expounded
The second phase: democracy exposed
The third phase: capitalism explored and exposed
The fourth phase: democracy re-examined
A new audience for historical sociology
The future of the past
Dennis Smith is Reader in Sociology at Aston University (UK).
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