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cloth 0-87722-990-2 $54.95, Feb 93, Out of Print
288 pp
140 tables
"Dipert has broken entirely new ground here: this work is at the cutting edge. Dipert is not afraid to take stands on important and difficult philosophical questions."
Peter Kivy, Rutgers University
In this first book-length philosophical study of artifacts, Randall Dipert develops a theory of what artifacts are and applies it extensively to one of the most complex and intriguing kinds of artifacts, art works. He defines agents, intentions, and actions, using these notions to clarify what it is for an agent to "make" something. From this starting point, he develops a full theory of artifacts and other artificial thingsand especially a theory of art works and performances of art works as artifacts. He proposes a theory of nature and of the value of nature as what is essentially non-artificial.
Believing that a developed philosophy of mind is necessary for a developed aesthetics and philosophy of art, Dipert relies upon classical and contemporary research on agency, on actions and intentions, and on the Intentionalist theory of mental objects of Bretano and Meinong. He considers physical entities, thoughts, utterances, and performances as artifacts. This vast category encompasses everyday household objects and tools, streets and edifices, as well as communicative and artistic artifacts.
Especially with regard to artistic artifacts, Dipert proposes a theory of expression and communication as actions and extensively discusses the problems of interpreting and recognizing actions, artifacts, and art works.
1. Introduction
The Breadth of the Topic: Artificial and Natural
The Utility of a Theory of Artifacts
The (Non-)history of Theories of Artifacts
The Definition of �Artifact�: First Attempt
Philosophical Presuppositions
2. Instruments, Tools, and Artifacts
Instruments: Things Intentionally Used
Tools: Intentionally Modified Instruments
Artifacts Proper: Objects Intended to Be Recognized as Tools
Artificial Things of All Sorts
3. Agents, Intentions, and Action
Main Questions in Action Theory for the Theory of Artifacts
The �Historical� Nature of Action-Theoretic Concepts
Structural and Historical Criteria for Action
Contemplating States, Activities, and Agents
Fully Intentional Actions, Half-Intentional Ones: Habits
Other Unconscious Influences on Actions
Plans: Low-, Middle-, and High-Level Intentions
4. Recognizing Actions and Artifacts: The Conceptualization and Attribution of Action-Theoretic
The Underdetermination and Lack of Justification for Many Attributions of Agency
The Conceptualization and Attribution of Action: A Single Case
Attributing Plans and Purposes to Agents
Recognizing Intentional Features in Events
Recognizing Intentional Properties in Instruments and Tools
5. Recognizing and Interpreting Artifacts
Underdetermination for Artifacts
�Indicative� Actions and Artifactual Properties
Goals and Methodologies in the Interpretation of Artifacts
The Rationality of Historical Inquiry for Finding Best the Present Function
Hesitations About the Efficacy of Historical Inquiry
Another, Political, Reason for the Disutility of Historical Inquiry
General Rules of Cognition and Their Rationality
6. Communicative, Expressive, Artistic, and Other Artifacts
Communicative and Expressive Artifacts
Classifying Artifacts: General Issues
�Ordinary� Useful Artifacts
Art Works
Conceiving of Objects as Art Works
Being an Art Work
An Alternative Definition of Art Work
7. Toward a Metaphysics of Artifacts: Individuation, Identity Through Time, and Group Agency
Deterioration and Restoration of Artifacts
Indirect Creation and Group Agency
The Individuation of Artifacts and Physical Objects
Peculiar Properties: Historical and �External� Properties of Things
�External� Properties and Relations
8. Evaluating Artifacts
Five Dimensions of Artifactual Value
The Details of Functional Failure: Deficiencies in the Means-Ends Hierarchy
Types of Failure in a Deliberative History
High-, Middle-, and Low-Level Intentions Behind Artifacts
A Mundane Example: A �Good" Chair
Evaluation of Agent and Interpreter
9. Art Works as Artifacts: Special Considerations
Artifactual and Action-Theoretic Reflections on Art Works
The Sensuous Versus the Abstract in Art
Are Art Works Platonic Complexes of Intentions?
The Identity and Individuation of Art Works
Purposes of Art Works: Their Essential Obscurity
Specifying the Purposes of Art: As Much as We Can Say
10. The Purposes of Art Works
Emotional Expression and Communication as Artistic Purposes
The Complex and Subtle Content of Artistic Articulation
Obscurity, Success, and Artistic Evaluation
Purposes of Art Other Than Expression
Art Works as Historical and Cultural Objects
11. Performance Art Works
Performances as Artifacts
Artistic Performances
Three Puzzles About Artistic Performance
Performance as an Action-Theoretic Concept
The Normative Aspects of Performance
Applying the Philosophical Theory to Performances
A Final Example of the Authenticity Problem: J. S. Bach
Expanding the Issue of Authenticity
12. Natural and Artificial: The Fateful and Obscure Contrast
Theories of Nature
The Crudity of the Contemporary Conception of Nature: An Ecological-Philosophical Paradox
The Complementarity of Nature and the Artificial World
Saving the Experience of the "Natural"
Purposes of Agents, Purposes in Artifacts, Purposes in Nature
The Uses of Nature: Interpretation-Free Zone and Nature as Artifact
A Second Purpose of Nature: Otherworldly Agents
Randall R. Dipert is Professor of Philosophy at the College at Fredonia, State University of New York.
The Arts and Their Philosophies, edited by Joseph Margolis.
The volumes in The Arts and Their Philosophies, edited by Joseph Margolis, include: overviews of such well-defined sub-disciplines as the philosophy of music, film, and literature; studies of important figures, schools, and movements; monographs on such topics as postmodernism, texts and interpretation, reference in fiction, and the methodology of art history; explorations of the intersection of the arts and other disciplines, such as feminism and interpretation, art and politics; and translations of major works.
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