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cloth 0-87722-963-5 $84.50, Sep 92, Available
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384 pp
"This is quite an extraordinary piece of sustained 'thoughtwork,' laying out its own weave of analysis, synthesis, and proposal in conversation with a wonderful array of other works and positions. The depth and care of engagement with the problem and promise of rethinking humankind with respect for gender marks is as an accomplishment that makes a crucial point: that thinking about the human without thinking as gendered creatures about gender is both impossible and, as we might say, in bad faith. Thus, the book helps us take a step toward rectifying what we think about, who and what we think as, when we engage in the curious reflexivity of thinking about our own humanity."
Elizabeth Minnich, Union Institute, author of Transforming Knowledge
How can we accept the gender system in view of its ills? Yet, are we really at liberty to abolish gender differences, "when the gender system gives us benchmarks of personal identity and worth along with primary channels in which to pursue the rewards of love?" With this double question, Steven G. Smith introduces his inquiry into the idea of gender and how it is implicated in love, respect, equality, and personal character. Gender Thinking is the first comprehensive philosophical exploration of the concept of gender Asking the question, what is gender?that is, what sort of thing do we take femininity and masculinity to be?Smith considers how gender thinking is interwoven with ideas about human nature. He suggests ways in which ideas about race, class, culture age, temperament, and sexual orientation can be understood from clues found in gender thinking. And he calls for a renegotiated procreative partnership between women and men as the key to the redemption of gender.
A Prologue on Democracy
1. The Two Sides of Gender Thinking
Positive Gender Thinking
Critical Gender Thinking
Implications for Our Study
2. On Conceiving the Human
The "Human"
Following Nature
Gender as an Anthropological Theme
3. Gender and Humanity
The Problem: How to Behave
How Gender Qualifies Gender
Gender and Central Human Projects
Gender and Other Human Kinds Compared
Human Nature as an Endowment of Diversities
4. The Sex "Basis" of Gender
The Problem of Junction Between Intentional and Descriptive Concepts
The Structure of Embodiment
Qualifications of Intention by Sex
Gender and Biological Facts
Human Nature as Animal Nature: Human Biology and Anthropology
Human Nature as animal nature: The Beast Within
The Case of Sexual Jealousy
Human Nature as Sexual Consistency: The Racial Parallel
5. Gender, Valuation, and Selfhood
The Attractions of Gender and "Finer Feelings": Kant
The Structure of Valuing
A Puzzle: How can a Valuer Value a Different Way of Valuing?
The Gendering of Ethics: Gilligan
Pornography and Other Pathologies of Gender Valuation
Androgyny and Perplexity
Gender Character and "True Self"
Gendered Selfhood and the Asymmetry Problem in High Noon
Human Nature as a Set of Gendered M�tiers
6. Gender and Duality
The Problem: How to Think
Structures of Duality
Metaphysical Gender-Duality Theories: Hegel and Levinas
Theological Gender-Duality Theories: The Shakers and Paul
Social-Scientific Gender-Duality Theories: Freud and L�vi-Strauss
Human Nature as a Harmony of the Sexes and Genders
7. Gender and Procreation
The Relevance of Procreation to Gender and Human Nature
The Structure of Procreative Activity
Generationality, Potentiation, and Determination
Gender and Issues of Procreative Choice
Conclusion: Realizing Sex
Realized Imaginatively
Realized Intellectually
Realized Spiritually
Realized Practically
Steven G. Smith is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Millsaps College and author of The Concept of the Spiritual: An Essay in First Philosophy (Temple).
General Interest
Philosophy and Ethics
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