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cloth 1-56639-207-1 $48.95, Sep 94, Out of Stock Unavailable
264 pp
3 tables 6 figures
Does fibrocystic breast disease put you at greater risk for breast cancer?
When is the best age to talk to your child about sex?
Why is exercise so good at relieving stress?
Should you automatically accept the doctor assigned by a hospital?
Does aspirin help reduce your risk of heart disease?
Should you take vitamin supplements as part of a healthy diet?
As a family practitioner, Dr. Brian McDonough believes that everyone should have a general understanding of how their bodies work, what they can do to develop healthy lifestyles, when to consult a health care provider, and how to use the health care system wisely. Dr. McDonough has brought together sixteen leading experts to address common health problems and disease prevention. In easy-to-understand language, each expert discusses the fundamentals of topics ranging from routine problems to life-threatening diseases.
Based on the format of Dr. McDonough's syndicated radio program, "Health Talk America," this book features straightforward answers to the questions mostly commonly asked by members of the radio audience in response to each topic. Talking Health targets the subjects likely to be of concern to you or someone you knowincluding AIDS, cancers, children's health and diet, exercise and sports medicine, eye conditions, heart health and disease, nutrition and disease prevention, pregnancy management, sinusitis and allergies, skin conditions, sleep regulation, and voice disorders. One of the many highlights of this book is a chapter on health care choices; its suggestions for finding a good doctor or hospital, preparing for a hospital stay, and handling the cost of medical care will help alleviate the anxiety often experienced when faced with these realities.
The clear, nontechnical explanations make Talking Health an invaluable resource for those of us who take an active role in achieving and maintaining good health.
Forward Stephen R. Permut, M.D., J.D.
1. AIDS Risks and Testing Marshall T. Williams, M.D., Ph.D.
2. Breast and Gynecologic Cancers Robert C. Young, M.D.
3. Children's Immunizations, Diet, and Behavior Rosemary Casey, M.D.
4. Colon Disorders and Cancer Gerald J. marks, M.D.
5. Diabetes Jos� F. Caro, M.D., and Rishi Rastogi, M.D.
6. Exercise and Sports Medicine Ray A. Moyer, M.D.
7. Eye Conditions and Disease David J. Ludwick, M.D.
8. Health Care Choices Mike Magee, M.D.
9. Heart Health and Disease Alfred A. Bove, M.D., Ph.D.
10. Nutrition and Disease Prevention Cheryl Clifford Marco, R.D.
11. Pregnancy and How It Changes a Woman's Body Richard Henderson, M.D.
12. Prostate Cancer and Other Urologic Problems Walter L. Gerber, M.D., F.A.C.S.
13. Sinusitis and Allergies Max Ronis, M.D.
14. Skin Conditions and Disorders Scott M. Panzer, M.D.
15. Sleep Regulation for Children and Adults Joanne Getsy, M.D.
16. Voice Disorders Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A.
Winner of an Emmy Award for Excellence in Medical Broadcasting, Brian P. McDonough, M.D., is a nationally syndicated medical correspondent and Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the Temple University School of Medicine. He is a practicing physician and also the host of US Air's "Health Talk America."
Contributors: Alfred A. Bove, M.D., Ph.D.; Jos� F. Caro, M.D.; Rosemary Casey, M.D.; Richard Henderson, M.D.; Walter Gerber, M.D.; Joanne Getsy, M.D.; David J. Ludwick, M.D.; Mike Magee, M.D.; Cheryl Clifford Marco, R.D.; Gerald J. Marks, M.D.; Ray A. Moyer, M.D.; Scott M. Panzer, M.D.; Rishi Rastogi, M.D.; Max Ronis, M.D.; Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A.; Marshal T. Williams, M.D., Ph.D.; and Robert C. Young, M.D.
General Interest
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Health, Society, and Policy, edited by Sheryl Ruzek and Irving Kenneth Zola.
No longer active.
Health, Society and Policy, edited by Sheryl Ruzek and Irving Kenneth Zola, takes a critical stance with regard to health policy and medical practice, ranging broadly in subject matter. Backlist titles include books on the legal and professional status of midwifery, the experience and regulation of kidney transplants, the evolution of federal law on architectural access, and a political/ethical argument for making the community responsible for universal access to health care.
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