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cloth 1-56639-668-9 $61.50, Dec 98, Out of Stock Unavailable
paper 1-56639-669-7 $36.95, Dec 98, Available
296 pp
Restricted: North America only (NA)
"What is exciting about this book is that it crosses so many boundaries, bringing together as it does accounts from every continent and from a wide range of disciplines. The various authors seek to situate sex-work within a range of frameworks: sociological and psychological, but also historical (Sri Lanka), economic (Britain and the United States), political (Brazil), legal (Canada), even linguistic (Thailand)."
Dennis Altman, from the Foreword
While much is known about prostitution and sex-work, almost all research has been conducted among female sex-workers and their clients. Studies of men who sell sex, either to women or to other men, are much more rare. Particularly poorly understood are men's motivations for engaging in such work, the circumstances in which the sale of sex occurs, the meanings attached to the acts by both sex-worker and client, and the HIV-related risks involved.
Men Who Sell Sex remedies this major deficiency in the international literature by bringing together an authoritative collection of essays from experts in 21 countries, including the USA, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Morocco, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Peru. It is a book which aims to demystify a taboo area, to dispel some widely held misconceptions about sex-workers and the spread of AIDS, and to contribute to better health promotion work.
Men Who Sell Sex offers a unique and compelling account of the reasons men sell sex and the pleasures and risks involved.
Excerpt available at
"This international collection was put together to be a multi-national response to the lack of information about male prostitution throughout the world. Spanning Europe, Latin America, India, and North Africa, this collection of policy recommendations is put together from interviews with the prostitutes by regional experts, who also offer recommendations on the value of different kinds of health promotion and intervention efforts."
Lambda Book Report
"Each chapter provides fascinating data, gathered primarily through interviews and ethnographies, on the lives of men in this occupation.... This volume is the first to bring together male prostitution in a global perspective...[and it] makes contributions to studies of sexuality and lesbians in the workplace as well as to military sociology. By implication, it also makes important contributions to public policy debates on gays in the military."
Contemporary Sociology
"A big asset of the book is the inclusion of sex workers' narratives.... [this book offers] original and important contributions to a nascent area of study... [and] constitute[s] an enlightening reading for health and sex educators and a welcome addition to the literature on sexuality and gender."
Journal of Sex Research
Notes on Contributors
Foreword Dennis Altman
1. Selling Sex in Cardiff and London Peter Davies and Rayah Feldman
2. Sex for Money between Men and Boys in the Netherlands: Implications for HIV Prevention Wim Zuilhof
3. Travestis and Gigolos: Male Sex Work and HIV Prevention in France Lindinalva Laurindo da Silva
4. Male Sex Work and HIV/AIDS in Canada Dan Allman and Ted Myers
5. Social Environment and Male Sex Work in the United States Edward V. Morse, Patricia M. Simon and Kendra E. Burchfiel
6. Aspects of Male Sex Work in Mexico City Ana Luisa Liguori and Peter Aggleton
7. Three Decades of Male Sex Work in Santo Domingo E. Antonio de Moya and Rafael Garc�a
8. Cacherismo in a San Jos� Brothel: Aspects of Male Sex Work in Costa Rica Jacobo Schifter and Peter Aggleton
9. Natural Born Targets: Male Hustlers and AIDS Prevention in Urban Brazil Patrick Larvie
10. Fletes in Parque Kennedy: Sexual Cultures among Young Men Who Sell Sex to Other Men in Lima Carlos F. C�ceres and Oscar G. Jim�nez
11. Through a Window Darkly: Men Who Sell Sex to Men in India and Bangladesh Shivananda Khan
12. Male Sex Work in Sri Lanka Nandasena Ratnapala
13. Bar Talk: Thai Male Sex Workers and Their Customers Graeme Storer
14. Walking the Tightrope: Sexual Risk and Male Sex Work in the Philippines Michael L. Tan
15. Marginalization and Vulnerability: Male Sex Work in Morocco Amine Boushaba, Oussama Tawil, Lat�fa Imane and Hakima Himmich
Peter Aggleton is Professor of Education and Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. He is the editor of the Social Aspects of AIDS series of books and of the journal Culture, Health, and Sexuality. He has written or edited over twenty books in the field, including (with Richard Parker) Culture, Society, and Sexuality (1998).
Sexuality Studies/Sexual Identity
Health and Health Policy
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