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cloth 1-56639-033-8 $59.95, Jan 93, Out of Stock Unavailable
496 pp
In this wide-ranging discussion of the social psychology of human aggression, Leonard Berkowitz examines the findings of behavioral research about conditions and circumstances that promote anger and aggression. Emphasizing that aggression takes numerous forms and has many causes, Berkowitz distinguishes between instrumental aggression (assaults carried out to benefit the attacker in some way) and emotional (impulsive or expressive) aggression. He points out that they have different origins and aims and are best controlled in different ways. Although he gives much attention to the conditions promoting deliberate instrumental aggression, Berkowitz also shows that many assaults are highly emotional acts. He therefore considers conceptions of emotion and the nature of anger and offers a new theory of the factors affecting impulsive aggression. The discussion throughout is based on both laboratory experiments and "real world" field studies.
Berkowitz summarizes what behavioral scientists have learned about the nature of highly aggressive personalities and the family and childhood backgrounds of those who are disposed to violent, antisocial behavior. He also reports important studies of the effects of violence depicted in the mass media. In discussing conditions that lead to child abuse, spouse battering, and murder, Berkowitz identifies such risk factors as childhood experiences, frustration, poverty, and personal and social stresses, as well as external events and situations that bring hostile ideas to mind. He also examines biological influences, such as hereditary factors, hormones, and alcohol, that promote aggressive tendencies.
Reviewing studies of the use of punishment and legal controls (e.g., the death penalty, gun control laws), the author discusses how this socially destructive behavior might be reduced. He presents research on the effectiveness of various psychological procedures, including the supposedly cathartic methods, instrumental training, and cognitive and anger control techniques.
This general introduction to the research and theorizing about human aggression seeks to promote understanding of the fundamental causes of destructive conduct, the conditions that can increase the chances of aggressive behavior, and the most effective steps that could be taken to reduce the likelihood of violence in society.
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1. The Problem of Aggression
What is Aggression?
Some Words about Anger, Hostility, and Aggressiveness
Part I: Emotional Aggression
What is Emotional Aggression?
2. Effects of Frustrations
The 1939 Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
Revision the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
3. We're Nasty When We Feel Bad
Negative Affect as the Root of Emotional Aggression
Negative Affect, Aggressive Inclinations, and Anger
Pulling Out Implusive Aggression: The Role of Aggressive Cues
4. Does Thinking Make It So?
Cognitions and Emotion
Theories of Emotion
Cognitions Don't Always "Make It So": Evidence of Noncognitive Influences upon Emotion
Thoughts Do Matter
Part II: Aggressive Personalities
5. The Identification of the Violence Prone
Are Some People consistently Disposed to be Aggressive?
How Aggressive Personalities Operate
6. The Development of Violence Proneness
Familial and Peer Influences on the Development of Aggressiveness
Childhood Experiences
Direct Influences on the Development of Aggressiveness
Indirect Influences
Part III: Violence in Society
7. Violence in the Media
Entertaining, Informative, Instructive...and Dangerous?
Violence on the Screen and Printed Page: Immediate Effects
The Prolonged Influence of Repeated Exposure to Media Violence
8. Domestic Violence
Explaining Domestic Violence
9. Murder
An Introduction to Murder
Conditions That Influence Murders
The Violent Interaction
Part IV: Controlling Aggression
10. Punishment and Societal Controls
Using Punishment to Deter Violence
Would Gun Control Lessen Violent Crimes?
11. Psychological Procedures for Controlling Aggression
Catharsis: Reducing One's Violent Urges by Aggressing
Developing New Ways of Behaving
Part V: Some Special Questions
12. Biology and Aggression
A "Lust for Hatred and Destruction"?
Are People Instinctively Driven to Violence?
Critique of the Traditional Instinct Conception
Heredity Hormones
Alcohol and Aggression
13. Aggression in the Laboratory
The Typical Laboratory Procedure
Some Considerations in Support of Laboratory Experiments
14. In Conclusion: Some Lessons to be Drawn
Different Kinds of Aggression: Instrumental and Emotional
Is Violence Inevitable?
The Determinants as Risk Factors
Controlling Violence
Leonard Berkowitz is Vilas Research Professor in Psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The internationally known recipient of a distinguised scientist award by the American Psychological Association, he is the author of several books and more than 170 articles.
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