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The following documents can be viewed and printed with the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader. To download a free reader or update your current version, click here. If you have questions about a document, feel free to email the contact person listed for that document.

Forms denoted with an asterisk (*) can be filled out and printed directly from the internet.



Copyright Information

Contact: Nikki Miller
*Author Information Form
Guidelines for Requesting Permission to Use Material
Permission Log (Excel file)
Form Letter Requesting Permission to Include Copyrighted Material (Word file)
Tax Forms

Contact: Karen Baker
W-9 Tax Form
Manuscript Information

Contact: Joan Vidal
Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts
Note for Editors of Contributed Volumes
How to Prepare Text Files for Book Production
Art Information

Contact: Kate Nichols
How to Prepare Illustrations for Book Production
AAUP Guidelines for Submitting Digital Art
Marketing Information

Contact: Ann-Marie Anderson
Publicity and Marketing Guidelines
Author Questionnaire: Parts A & B (Word file)
Author Questionnaire: Paperback (Word file)
*Author Order Form


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