Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited
by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig, is concerned
with the traditional and nontraditional ways in which historical
ideas are formed. In its attentiveness to issues of race, class,
and gender and to the role of human agency in shaping events, the
series is as critical of traditional historical method as content.
Emphasizing that history is itself an interpretation of material
events, the series demonstrates that the historian's choices of
subject, narrative technique, and documentation are politically
as well as intellectually constructed. |

and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History
edited by Adas, Michael
376 pp 7x10 Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-832-9
cloth 978-1-56639-831-2 |

Essays on Twentieth-Century History
edited by Adas, Michael
350 pp 6x9 Spring 2010
paper 978-1-4399-0270-7
cloth 978-1-4399-0269-1
Excerpt available |

and European Expansion
The Forging of a Global Order
edited by Adas, Michael
400 pp 6x9 Fall 1993
paper 978-1-56639-068-2
cloth 978-1-56639-067-5
Excerpt available |

The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD
Appier, Janis
256 pp 6x9 Fall 1997
paper 978-1-56639-560-1
cloth 978-1-56639-559-5
Excerpt available |

the Past
Essays on History and the Public
edited by Benson, Susan Porter, Stephen Brier and Roy Rosenzweig
400 pp 6x9 Spring 1986
paper 978-0-87722-413-6
cloth 978-0-87722-406-8
Excerpt available |

American Queer History
edited by Black, Allida M.
312 pp 7x10 Spring 2001
paper 978-1-56639-872-5
cloth 978-1-56639-871-8
Excerpt available |

from South Africa
Alternative Visions and Practices
edited by Brown, Joshua, Patrick Manning, Karin Shapiro and
Jon Wiener
467 pp Spring 1991
paper 978-0-87722-849-3
cloth 978-0-87722-848-6 |

and the New Left
Madison, Wisconsin, 1950-1970
edited by Buhle, Paul
457 pp Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-836-3
cloth 978-0-87722-653-6 |

Fun and Profit
The Transformation of Leisure into Consumption
edited by Butsch, Richard
288 pp Spring 1990
paper 978-0-87722-740-3
cloth 978-0-87722-676-5 |

New York
History Walks for Armchair and Footloose Travelers
Cooke, Hope
464 pp 6x9 Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-289-1
cloth 978-1-56639-288-4 |

American, Becoming Ethnic
College Students Explore Their Roots
edited by Dublin, Thomas
256 pp 6x9 Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-439-0
cloth 978-1-56639-438-3
Excerpt available |

Baltimore Book
New Views of Local History
edited by Fee, Elizabeth, Linda Shopes and Linda Zeidman
256 pp Fall 1991
paper 978-1-56639-184-9
cloth 978-0-87722-817-2 |

Story of Reo Joe
Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A.
Fine, Lisa M.
256 pp 6x9 Spring 2004
paper 978-1-59213-258-4
cloth 978-1-59213-257-7
Excerpt available |

American History Now
Edited for the American Historical Association by Eric Foner and Lisa McGirr
440 pp 6x9 Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0244-8
cloth 978-1-4399-0243-1
Excerpt available |

New American History
edited by Foner, Eric
Revised and Expanded Edition
400 pp 6x9 Spring 1997
paper 978-1-56639-552-6
cloth 978-1-56639-551-9
Excerpt available |

World the Sixties Made
Politics and Culture in Recent America
edited by Gosse, Van and Richard Moser
352 pp 6x9 Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-201-0
cloth 978-1-59213-200-3
Excerpt available |

Oral History and Public Memories
edited by Hamilton, Paula and Linda Shopes
320 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2008
paper 978-1-59213-141-9
cloth 978-1-59123-140-2
Excerpt available |

the Cold War
edited by Hunter, Allen
320 pp 6x9 Fall 1997
paper 978-1-56639-562-5
cloth 978-1-56639-561-8
Excerpt available |

Workers' Theatre and the American Labor Movement
Hyman, Collette A.
224 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 1997
cloth 978-1-56639-504-5
Excerpt available |

A Political Autobiography
Lerner, Gerda
408 pp 7x10 Spring 2002
paper 978-1-59213-236-2
cloth 978-1-56639-889-3
Excerpt available |

The Intellectual in Mass Society
Levenson, Leah and Jerry Natterstad
336 pp 6x9 Fall 1993
cloth 978-1-56639-104-7 |

of Equality
The American Association of University Women and the Challenge
of Twentieth-Century Feminism
Levine, Susan, afterword by Alice Ann Leidel
240 pp 6x9 Spring 1995
cloth 978-1-56639-326-3 |

Life in the Struggle
Ivory Perry and the Culture of Opposition
Lipsitz, George
Revised Edition
320 pp 6x9 Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-321-8
Excerpt available |

New Left Revisited
edited by McMillian, John and Paul Buhle
280 pp 7x10 Fall 2002
paper 978-1-56639-976-0
cloth 978-1-56639-975-3
Excerpt available |

Solidarity Remembered
Metzgar, Jack
320 pp 6x9 Fall 1999
paper 978-1-56639-739-1
cloth 978-1-56639-738-4
Excerpt available |

and September 11th
edited by Meyerowitz, Joanne
288 pp 6x9 Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-203-4
cloth 978-1-59213-202-7
Excerpt available |

June Cleaver
Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945-1960
edited by Meyerowitz, Joanne
424 pp 6x9 Spring 1994
paper 978-1-56639-171-9
cloth 978-1-56639-170-2
Excerpt available |

into Discourse
The Reification of Language and the Writing of Social History
Palmer, Bryan D.
312 pp Spring 1990
paper 978-0-87722-720-5
cloth 978-0-87722-678-9 |

Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life
Patterson, Tiffany Ruby
248 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2005
paper 978-1-59213-290-4
cloth 978-1-59213-289-8
Excerpt available |

and Power
Sexuality in History
edited by Peiss, Kathy and Christina Simmons with Robert A.
328 pp 6x9 1989
paper 978-0-87722-637-6
cloth 978-0-87722-596-6 |

Critical Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture
edited by Perkins, William Eric
288 pp 6x9 Fall 1995
paper 978-1-56639-362-1
cloth 978-1-56639-361-4
Excerpt available |

The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape
Sandweiss, Eric
296 pp 7x10 Spring 2001
paper 978-1-56639-886-2
cloth 978-1-56639-885-5
Excerpt available |

The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape
Scobey, David M.
352 pp 7x10 Spring 2002
paper 978-1-59213-235-5
cloth 978-1-56639-950-0
Excerpt available |

Essays on Cinema and History
edited by Sklar, Robert and Charles Musser
320 pp Fall 1990
paper 978-0-87722-738-0
cloth 978-0-87722-731-1 |

An Illustrated History
Snyder-Grenier, Ellen M.
304 pp 8x10 Spring 1996
paper 978-1-59213-082-5
cloth 978-1-56639-408-6
Excerpt available |

Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform
Strom, Sharon Hartman
352 pp 7x10 Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-819-0
cloth 1 978-1-56639-818-3
Excerpt available |

Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory
Wallace, Michael
336 pp 6x9 Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-445-1
cloth 978-1-56639-444-4
Excerpt available |

F. Calverton
Radical in the American Grain
Wilcox, Leonard
311 pp 6x9 Spring 1992
cloth 978-0-87722-929-2 |

Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts
Charting the Future of Teaching the Past
Wineburg, Sam
272 pp 6x9 Spring 2001
paper 978-1-56639-856-5
cloth 978-1-56639-855-8
Excerpt available |

the People
Young, Alfred F. and Terry J. Fife with Mary E. Janzen
265 pp 10x8 Fall 1992
paper 978-0-87722-938-4
cloth 978-0-87722-937-7 |