Imagined Liberation
Xenophobia, Citizenship, and Identity in South Africa, Germany, and Canada
Adam, Heribert and Kogila Moodley
246 pp 6x9 Spring 2015
paper 978-1-4399-1190-7
cloth 978-1-4399-1189-1
Pride, American Patriotism
Slovaks and Other New Immigrants in the Interwar Era
Alexander, June Granatir 296 pp 6x9
Spring 2004
paper 978-1-59213-252-2
cloth 978-1-59213-251-5

American Culture and Religious Diversity
A Saudi Perspective
Alhomoudi, Fahad
176 pp 6x9 Fall 2011
paper 978-0-931214-13-4 |
Power, White Blood
The Life and Times of Johnny Spain
Andrews, Lori 352 pp 5.5x8.25
Fall 1999
paper 978-1-56639-750-6
Race and Class Matters at an Elite College
Aries, Elizabeth
246 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2008
paper 978-1-59213-726-8
cloth 978-1-59213-725-1
Speaking of Race and Class
The Student Experience at an Elite College
Aries, Elizabeth, with Richard Berman 238 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-4399-0967-6
cloth 978-1-4399-0966-9
and Gender Among American Muslims
Issues Facing Middle Eastern Immigrants And Their Decendants
edited by Aswad, Barbara C. and Barbara Bilg� 344
pp 6x9 Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-443-7
cloth 978-1-56639-442-0
the Lines
South Asians and Postcoloniality
edited by Bahri, Deepika and Mary Vasudeva 384
pp 6x9 Fall 1996
paper 978-1-56639-468-0
cloth 978-1-56639-467-3
Mainland Puerto Rican Poverty
Baker, Susan S. 256 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-56639-970-8
cloth 978-1-56639-969-2

Creating a Buddhist Community
A Thai Temple in Silicon Valley
Bao, Jiemin
204 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Spring 2015
paper 978-1-4399-0955-3
cloth 978-1-4399-0954-6 |
It Personally
Racism in the Classroom from Kindergarten to College
Berlak, Ann and Sekani Moyenda 216 pp
6x9 Spring 2001
paper 978-1-56639-876-3
cloth 978-1-56639-875-6
the Big News
Racial Oppression in America
Blauner, Bob 288 pp 6x9 Spring
paper 978-1-56639-874-9
cloth 978-1-56639-873-2
Filipino Americans
Ethnicity and the Cultural Politics of Space
Bonus, Rick 248 pp 6x9 Spring
paper 978-1-56639-779-7
cloth 978-1-56639-778-0

Reframing Transracial Adoption
Korean Adoptees, White Parents and the Politics of Kinship
Brian, Kristi
230 pp 6x9 Spring 2012
paper 978-1-4399-0184-7
cloth 978-1-4399-0183-0
Walking in Cities
Quotidian Mobility as Urban Theory, Method, and Practice
edited by Brown, Evrick and Timothy Shortell
292 pp 6x9 Fall 2015
paper 978-1-4399-1221-8
cloth 978-1-4399-1220-1 |
The End of White World Supremacy
Black Internationalism and the Problem of the Color Line
Bush, Roderick
264 pp 6x9 Spring 2009
paper 978-1-59213-573-8
cloth 978-1-59213-572-1
Savage Portrayals
Race, Media, and the Central Park Jogger Story
Byfield, Natalie
242 pp 6x9 Fall 2013
paper 978-1-4399-0634-7
cloth 978-1-4399-0633-0 |

Economies of Desire
Sex and Tourism in Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Cabezas, Amalia L.
232 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2009
paper 978-1-59213-750-3
cloth 978-1-59213-749-7
in American Indian Law
Recalling the Rhythm of Survival
edited by Carrillo, Jo 353 pp 7x10
Fall 1997
paper 978-1-56639-582-3
cloth 978-1-56639-581-6

Hapa Girl
A Memoir
Chai, May-lee
232 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2007
paper 978-1-59213-616-2
cloth 978-1-59213-615-5
and Schools
Minority Voices and Democratic Tensions in Urban Education
Chambers, Stefanie 240 pp • 5.5x8.25
• Spring 2006
paper 978-1-59213-469-4
cloth 978-1-59213-468-7
The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations
Transatlantic Perspectives
edited by Chambers, Stefanie, Diana Evans, Anthony M. Messina, and Abigail Fisher Williamson
348 pp 6x9 Spring 2017
paper 978-1-4399-1463-2
cloth 978-1-4399-1462-5
Chinese Americans and the Politics of Race and Culture
by Chan, Sucheng and Madeline Y. Hsu 288 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2008
paper 978-1-59213-753-4
cloth 978-1-59213-752-7
Vietnamese American 1.5 Generation
Stories of War, Revolution, Flight, and New Beginnings
edited by Chan, Sucheng 344 pp • 6x9
• Spring 2006
paper 978-1-59213-501-1
cloth 978-1-59213-500-4
for Safe Spaces
Afro-Caribbean Women Writers in Exile
Chancy, Myriam J. A. 272 pp 6x9
Fall 1997
paper 978-1-56639-540-3
cloth 978-1-56639-539-7
Irish in Philadelphia
Ten Generations of Urban Experience
Clark, Dennis 264 pp Spring 1982
paper 978-0-87722-227-9
cloth 978-0-87722-057-2

The Politics of Urban Education Reform
Clarke, Susan E., Rodney E. Hero, Mara S. Sidney, Luis Fraga
and Bari Anhalt Erlichson, foreword by Clarence N. Stone
264 pp 6x9 Fall 2006
paper 978-1-59213-537-0
cloth 978-1-59213-536-3
Legacy and Legitimacy
Black Americans and the Supreme Court
Clawson, Rosalee A. and Eric N. Waltenburg
232 pp 5.5x8.25 Fall 2008
paper 978-1-59213-903-3
cloth 978-1-59213-902-6
Ball Don't Lie!
Myth, Genealogy, and Invention in the Cultures of Basketball
Colás, Yago
228 pp 6x9 Spring 2016
paper 978-1-4399-1243-0 cloth 978-1-4399-1242-3
Violent Belongings
Partition, Gender, and National Culture in Postcolonial India
Daiya, Kavita 274 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2008
paper 978-1-59213-743-5
cloth 978-1-59213-743-5

Saving San Francisco
Relief and Recovery after the 1906 Disaster
Davies, Andrea Rees
232 pp 6x9 Fall 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0433-6
cloth 978-1-4399-0432-9
Critical Race Theory
The Cutting Edge
Third Edition
by Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic
856 pp 7x10 Spring 2013
paper 978-1-4399-1061-0
cloth 978-1-4399-1060-3 |

"I Hear America Singing"
Folk Music and National Identity
Donaldson, Rachel Clare
234 pp 6x9 Fall 2014
paper 978-1-43991-079-5
cloth 978-1-43991-078-8 |
American, Becoming Ethnic
College Students Explore Their Roots
edited by Dublin, Thomas 256 pp 6x9
Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-439-0
cloth 978-1-56639-438-3
Baltimore '68
Riots and Rebirth in an American City
edited by Elfenbein, Jessica I., Thomas L. Hollowak, and Elizabeth M. Nix
294 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0662-0
cloth 978-1-4399-0661-3
News and the Collective Memory of Social Unrest
Edy, Jill A. 240 pp • 5.5x8.25 •
Spring 2006
paper 978- 1-59213-497-7
cloth 978- 1-59213-496-0

Youth Violence
Sex and Race Differences in Offending, Victimization, and Gang Membership
Esbensen, Finn-Aage, Dana Peterson, Terrance J. Taylor and Adrienne Freng
244 pp 6x9 Fall 2010
paper 978-1-4399-0072-7
cloth 978-1-4399-0071-0
American Lives
Espiritu, Yen Le 240 pp 6x9
Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-317-1
cloth 978-1-56639-316-4

Long Distance Love
A Passion for Football
Farred, Grant
224 pp 5.5x8.25 Fall 2007
paper 978-1-59213-374-1
cloth 978-1-59213-373-4
Resurrecting Slavery
Racial Legacies and White Supremacy in France
Fleming, Crystal Marie
286 pp 6x9 Fall 2016
paper 978-1-4399-1409-0
cloth 978-1-4399-1408-3 |

Latino Lives in America
Making It Home
Fraga, Luis R., John A. Garcia, Rodney E. Hero, Michael Jones-Correa, Valerie Martinez-Ebers, and Gary Segura
224 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2010
paper 978-1-43990-049-9
cloth 978-1-43990-048-2
Constructing Muslims in France
Discourse, Public Identity, and the Politics of Citizenship
Fredette, Jennifer
222 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2013
paper 978-1-4399-1029-0
cloth 978-1-4399-1028-3 |
Goes the 'Hood
Views of Gentrification from the Ground Up
Freeman, Lance 248 pp • 6x9 •
Spring 2006
paper 978- 1-59213-437-3
cloth 978- 1-59213-436-6
Inner-City Revitalization and Minority Suburbanization
Gale, Dennis E. 259 pp Fall 1987
paper 978-0-87722-777-9
cloth 978-0-87722-496-9 |
Nisei, War Bride
Three Generations of Japanese American Women in Domestic Service
Glenn, Evelyn Nakano 290 pp 5.5x8.25
Spring 1986
paper 978-0-87722-564-5
cloth 978-0-87722-412-9 |

Separate Societies
Poverty and Inequality in U.S. Cities
Second Edition
Goldsmith, William W. and Edward J. Blakely
268 pp 6x9 Spring 2010
paper 978-1-43990-292-9
cloth 978-1-43990-291-2
Ethnic and Racial Relations in Philadelphia
Immigrants in a Divided City
Goode, Judith and Jo Anne Schneider 296 pp
6x9 Spring 1994
paper 978-1-56639-141-2
cloth 978-1-56639-140-5
Twenty-First Century Color Lines
Multiracial Change in Contemporary America
edited by Grant-Thomas, Andrew, and Gary Orfield, foreword by Christopher Edley, Jr.
328 pp 6x9 Fall 2008
paper 978-1-59213-692-6
cloth 978-1-59213-691-9 |
Farmworkers in the United States
Griffith, David and Ed Kissam with Jeromino Camposeco, Anna Garc�a,
Max Pfeffer, David Runsten, and Manuel Valdes Pizzini 368
pp 6x9 Fall 1994
paper 978-1-56639-239-6
cloth 978-1-56639-238-9 |
Asian American Film Criticism
edited by Hamamoto, Darrell Y. and Sandra Liu 317
pp 7x10 Spring 2000
paper 978-1-56639-776-6
cloth 978-1-56639-775-9 |

The Hip Hop Underground The Integrity and Ethics of Racial Identification
Harrison, Anthony Kwame
226 pp 6x9 Fall 2009
paper 978-1-4399-0061-1
cloth 978-1-4399-0060-4
Ritual Performance in the African Diaspora
edited by Harrison, Paul Carter, Victor Leo Walker II and Gus Edwards
432 pp 7x10 Spring 2002
paper 978-1-56639-944-9
cloth 978-1-56639-943-2
Reflections on Brazil's Racial Paradise
edited by Hellwig, David J. 276 pp
5.5x8.25 Spring 1992
cloth 978-0-87722-892-9 |
America Through Immigration Policy
Hing, Bill Ong, foreword by Anthony D. Romero, Esq. 336
pp 7x10 Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-233-1
cloth 978-1-59213-232-4
of Light
Yiddish Film between Two Worlds
Hoberman, J. 416 pp 8x9.25 Fall
paper 978-1-56639-404-8
Politics of Diversity
Immigration, Resistance, and Change in Monterey Park, California
Horton, John 296 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-56639-328-7
cloth 978-1-56639-327-0

We Shall Be Free!
Black Communist Protests in Seven Voices
Howard, Walter T.
220 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2013
cloth 978-1-4399-0859-4 |
The White Savior Film
Content, Critics, and Consumption
Hughey, Matthew W.
230 pp 6x9 Spring 2014
paper 978-1-4399-1001-6
cloth 978-1-4399-1000-9 |
How to Be South Asian in America
Narratives of Ambivalence and Belonging
jain, anupama
288 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0303-2
cloth 978-1-4399-0302-5
My Culture, My Color, My Self
Heritage, Resilience, and Community in the Lives of Young Adults
Jenkins, Toby S.
204 pp 6x9 Spring 2013
paper 978-1-4399-0830-3
cloth 978-1-4399-0829-7 |
Forest and the Trees
Sociology as Life, Practice, and Promise
Third Edition
Allan G.
198 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2014
paper 978-1-43991-187-7
cloth 978-1-43991-186-0 |

Not from Here
A Memoir
Johnson, Allan G.
186 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2015
cloth 978-1-4399-1245-4 |

Objectifying Measures The Dominance of High-Stakes Testing and the Politics of Schooling
Johnson, Amanda Walker
222 pp 5.5x8.25 Spring 2009
paper 978-1-59213-906-4
cloth 978-1-59213-905-7
"Huddled Masses" Myth
Immigration and Civil Rights
Johnson, Kevin R. 264 pp 6x9
Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-206-5
cloth 978-1-59213-205-8
on Privilege
English Identities and Anglophilia in the U.S.
Jones, Katharine W. 304 pp 6x9
Fall 2001
paper 978-1-56639-901-2
cloth 978-1-56639-900-5
Sonic Spaces of the Karoo
The Sacred Music of a South African Coloured Community Jorritsma, Marie 224 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
cloth 978-1-4399-0237-0 |
Intimacy across Borders
Race, Religion, and Migration in the U.S. Midwest
Juffer, Jane
204 pp 5.5x8.25 • Spring 2013
paper 978-1-4399-1053-5
cloth 978-1-4399-1052-8
"We Live in the Shadow"
Inner-City Kids Tell Their Stories through Photographs
Kaplan, Elaine Bell
208 pp 6x9 Spring 2013
paper 978-1-43990-790-0
cloth 978-1-43990-789-4

Syrian-Lebanese Ethnicity in Neoliberal Brazil
Karam, John Tofik
232 pp 6x9 Fall 2006
paper 978-1-59213-540-0
cloth 978-1-59213-539-4
Suburban Racial Dilemma
Housing and Neighborhoods
Keating, W. Dennis 288 pp 6x9
Spring 1994
paper 978-1-56639-148-1
cloth 978-1-56639-147-4

Racial Logic of Politics
Asian Americans and Party Competition
Kim, Thomas P.
208 pp 6x9 Fall 2006
paper 978-1-59213-549-3
cloth 978-1-59213-548-6
Against the Odds
How Academics Become Teachers of Diverse Students
edited by Kingston-Mann, Esther and Tim Sieber 240
pp 6x9 Spring 2001
paper 978-1-56639-851-0
cloth 978-1-56639-850-3
Against Zionism
The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948
Kolsky, Thomas A. 288 pp 6x9
Fall 1990
paper 978-1-56639-009-5
cloth 978-0-87722-694-9 |
Family and Nation in Postwar Photojournalism
Kozol, Wendy 232 pp 8.5x11 Spring
paper 978-1-56639-221-1
cloth 978-1-56639-152-8 |
Images of Italian Greenhorn Experience
La Sorte, Michael A. 224 pp 5.5x8.25
Spring 1985
paper 978-1-59213-234-8
cloth 978-0-87722-382-5
in Workplace
Immigrants and the Restructing of the U.S. Economy
edited by Lamphere, Louise, Alex Stepick and Guillermo Grenier
320 pp 6x9 Fall 1993
paper 978-1-56639-131-3
cloth 978-1-56639-124-5 |
Asian Americans in Popular Culture
Lee, Robert G. 288 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-56639-753-7
cloth 978-1-56639-658-5
Ethnic Choices
California's Punjabi Mexican Americans
Leonard, Karen Isaksen 352 pp 6x9
Spring 1992
paper 978-1-56639-202-0
cloth 978-0-87722-890-5
Making of Asian America through Political Participation
Lien, Pei-te 312 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-56639-895-4
cloth 978-1-56639-894-7
How Racism Takes Place
Lipsitz, George
320 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0256-1
cloth 978-1-4399-0255-4
Possessive Investment in Whiteness
How White People Profit from Identity Politics
Lipsitz, George Revised
and Expanded Edition
312 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2006
paper 978- 1-59213-494-6
cloth 978- 1-59213-493-9
Maya Diaspora
Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives
edited by Loucky, James and Marilyn M. Moors 248
pp 6x9 Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-795-7
cloth 978-1-56639-794-0
Just Who Loses?
Discrimination in the United States, Volume 2
Lucas, Samuel Roundfield
370 pp 6x9 Fall 2012
cloth 978-1-4399-0850-1 |
Theorizing Discrimination in an Era of Contested Prejudice
Discrimination in the United States, Volume 1
Lucas, Samuel Roundfield
296 pp 6x9 Fall 2008
paper 978-1-59213-913-2
cloth 978-1-59213-912-5
in the House
Indian American Youth Culture in New York City
Maira, Sunaina Marr 256 pp 6x9
Fall 2001
paper 978-1-56639-927-2
cloth 978-1-56639-926-5
Multiracial and Multiethnic Neighborhoods in the United States
Maly, Michael T. 288 pp 6x9
Fall 2004
paper 978-1-59213-135-8
cloth 978-1-59213-134-1
Vanishing Eden
White Construction of Memory, Meaning, and Identity in a Racially Changing City
Maly, Michael T. and Heather M. Dalmage
198 pp 6x9 Fall 2015
paper 978-1-4399-1119-8
cloth 978-1-4399-1118-1 |
Ethnographic Explorations of Asian America
edited by Manalansan, IV, Martin F. 272 pp
7x10 Spring 2000
paper 978-1-56639-773-5
cloth 978-1-56639-772-8
Tian'anmen to Times Square
Transnational China and the Chinese Diaspora on Global Screens,
Marchetti, Gina 320 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-59213-278-2
cloth 978-1-59213-277-5 |

The Machinery of Whiteness Studies in the Structure of Racialization
Martinot, Steve
232 pp 6x9 Spring 2010
paper 978-1-43990-052-9
cloth 978-1-43990-051-2
Race Appeal
How Candidates Invoke Race in U.S. Political Campaigns
McIlwain, Charlton D. and Stephen M. Caliendo
272 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0276-9
cloth 978-1-4399-0275-2
Indian in White America
Monroe, Mark, edited by Carolyn Reyer, afterword by Kenneth Lincoln
256 pp 6x9 Fall 1994
paper 978-1-56639-235-8
cloth 978-1-56639-234-1 |
Gangs, Drugs, and the Prison in the Barrios of Los Angeles
Moore, Joan W. 240 pp Spring 1980
paper 978-0-87722-114-2
cloth 978-0-87722-121-0
A Memoir
Naison, Mark D. 240 pp 6x9 Spring
paper 978-1-56639-942-5
cloth 978-1-56639-941-8

Sorcery of Color
Identity, Race, and Gender in Brazil
Nascimento, Elisa Larkin
336 pp 6x9 Fall 2006
paper 978-1-59213-351-2
cloth 978-1-59213-350-5
Unions, and the New U.S. Labor Market
Ness, Immanuel 240 pp 5.5x8.25
Spring 2005
paper 978-1-59213-041-2
cloth 978-1-59213-040-5
Sword to Bury
Japanese Americans in Hawai'i during World War II
Odo, Franklin S. 336 pp 6x9
Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-270-6
cloth 978-1-59213-207-2
Ethnicity and Inequality in Hawai�i
Okamura, Jonathan Y.
256 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2008
paper 978-1-59213-756-5
cloth 978-1-59213-755-8
and Economic Development in Minority Communities
edited by Ong, Paul, and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris 320
pp • 6x9 • Spring 2006
paper 978-1-59213-410-6
cloth 978-1-59213-409-0
Rhetoric, Immigration, and California's Proposition 187
Ono, Kent A. and John M. Sloop 264 pp
6x9 Fall 2001
paper 978-1-56639-917-3
cloth 978-1-56639-916-6
Incidental Racialization
Performative Assimilation in Law School
Pan, Yung-Yi Diana
220 pp 6x9 Spring 2017
paper 978-1-4399-1385-7
cloth 978-1-4399-1384-0
Illegal Migrations and the Huckleberry Finn Problem
Park, John S.W.
278 pp 6x9 Spring 2013
paper 978-1-4399-1047-4
cloth 978-1-4399-1046-7

Behind the Backlash
Muslim Americans After 9/11
Peek, Lori
230 pp 6x9 Fall 2010
paper 978-1-59213-983-5
cloth 978-1-59213-982-8
Jack Jocks
Rebels, Race, and the American Athlete
Platt, Larry 208 pp 5.5x8.25
Spring 2002
paper 978-1-59213-191-4
cloth 978-1-56639-954-8
of Assent
Two Novellas
Qasim, Abd al-Hakim, translated by Peter Theroux, introduction by
Samia Mehrez 192 pp 5.5x8.25
Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-354-6
cloth 978-1-56639-353-9
Translocal Essays on Filipino Cultures
edited by Rafael, Vicente L. 360 pp
6x9 Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-356-0
cloth 978-1-56639-355-3 |

Selling Transracial Adoption
Families, Markets, and the Color Line
Raleigh, Elizabeth
274 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2017
paper 978-1-4399-1478-6
cloth 978-1-4399-1477-9
Migrant's Table
Meals and Memories in Bengali-American Households
Ray, Krishnendu 256 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-59213-096-2
cloth 978-1-59213-095-5

American Perspectives on Political Science
Rich, Wilber C., foreword by Charles V. Hamilton
456 pp 6x9 Fall 2006
paper 978-1-59213-109-9
cloth 978-1-59213-108-2
Fire on the Prairie
Harold Washington, Chicago Politics, and the Roots of the Obama Presidency
Rivlin, Gary
312 pp 6x9 Fall 2012
paper 978-1-4399-0492-3
cloth 978-1-4399-0491-6
A City within a City
The Black Freedom Struggle in Grand Rapids, Michigan
Robinson, Todd E.
236 pp 6x9 Fall 2012
paper 978-1-4399-0922-5
cloth 978-1-4399-0921-8 |
Interracial Marriage
Root, Maria P. P. 240 pp 6x9
Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-826-8
cloth 978-1-56639-825-1
from the Holocaust
Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time
edited by Rosenberg, Alan and Gerald E. Myers 472
pp Spring 1988
paper 978-0-87722-686-4
cloth 978-0-87722-539-3 |
Creole Identity, and Intellectual Life in Early Twentieth-Century
Puerto Rico
Roy-F�qui�re, Magali 328 pp 6.875x10
Fall 2003
paper 978-1-59213-231-7
cloth 978-1-59213-230-0
Modeling Citizenship
Jewish and Asian American Writing
Schlund-Vials, Cathy
248 pp • 6x9 • Spring 2011
paper 978-1-4399-0318-6
cloth 978-1-4399-0317-9
in Urban America
Sunni Muslims in Chicago
Schmidt, Garbi 256 pp 6x9 Fall
paper 978-1-59213-224-9
cloth 978-1-59213-223-2
Policy and Identity Politics in the United States
Schmidt, Sr., Ronald 296 pp 6x9
Spring 2000
paper 978-1-56639-755-1
cloth 978-1-56639-754-4
Performance Pieces Proses Plays Poetics
Schwitters, Kurt, edited by Jerome Rothenberg, translated by Pierre
Joris 288 pp 7x10 Spring 1993
paper 978-1-56639-264-8
cloth 978-0-87722-894-3 |
Part, Yet Apart
South Asians in Asian America
edited by Shankar, Lavina Dhingra and Rajini Srikanth 320
pp 6x9 Fall 1997
paper 978-1-56639-578-6
cloth 978-1-56639-577-9
Separate Nor Equal
Women, Race, and Class in the South
edited by Smith, Barbara Ellen 296 pp
6x9 Spring 1999
paper 978-1-56639-680-6
cloth 978-1-56639-679-0 |
Are a People
Narrative and Multiplicity in Constructing Ethnic Identity
edited by Spickard, Paul and W. Jeffrey Burroughs 304
pp 7x10 Fall 1999
paper 978-1-56639-723-0
cloth 978-1-56639-722-3
in America
Building a New Future
edited by Suleiman, Michael W. 368 pp
7x10 Fall 1999
paper 978-1-56639-727-8
cloth 978-1-56639-726-1
Stories of Iranian Diaspora
Sullivan, Zohreh T. 328 pp 6x9
Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-843-5
cloth 978-1-56639-842-8

Global Philadelphia
Immigrant Communities Old and New
Edited by Takenaka, Ayumi and Mary Johnson Osirim
320 pp 6x9 Spring 2010
paper 978-1-43990-012-3
cloth 978-1-43990-013-0
Melting Pot and Mosaic
African American and Puerto Ricans in the New York Political Economy
Torres, Andr�s 264 pp 6x9 Spring
paper 978-1-56639-280-8
cloth 978-1-56639-279-2
Asian American Communities
Intersections and Divergences
edited by V�, Linda Trinh and Rick Bonus 264
pp 7x10 Spring 2002
paper 978-1-56639-938-8
cloth 978-1-56639-937-1
in Diaspora
Religious Communities and the New Immigration
edited by Warner, Stephen R. and Judith G. Wittner 416
pp 6x9 Spring 1998
paper 978-1-56639-614-1
cloth 978-1-56639-613-4
Politics of Democratic Inclusion
edited by Wolbrecht, Christina and Rodney E. Hero with Peri E. Arnold,
Alvin B. Tillery 352 pp 6x9
Spring 2005
paper 978-1-59213-359-8
cloth 978-1-59213-358-1

Americans First
Chinese Americans and the Second World War
Wong, K. Scott
268 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Spring 2008
paper 978-1-59213-840-1

Look, a White!
Philosophical Essays on Whiteness
Yancy, George
224 pp 6x9 Spring 2012
paper 978-1-4399-0854-9
cloth 978-1-4399-0853-2

The Coolie Speaks
Chinese Indentured Laborers and African Slaves in Cuba
Yun, Lisa
336 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2007
paper 978-1-59213-582-0
cloth 978-1-59213-581-3
The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave
Zhou, Min, foreword by Alejandro Portes 316
pp 6x9 Spring 1992
paper 978-1-56639-337-9
cloth 978-0-87722-934-6 |

Contemporary Chinese America
Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation
Zhou, Min
328 pp 6x9 Spring 2009
paper 978-1-59213-858-6
cloth 978-1-59213-857-9