Temple University PressWomen in the Political Economy
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Women in the Political Economy, edited by Ronnie J. Steinberg, includes books on women and issues of work, family, social movements, politics, feminism, and empowerment. It emphasizes women's roles in society and the social construction of gender and also explores current policy issues like comparable worth, international development, job training, and parental leave.

Emily K. Abel: Who Cares for the Elderly?
Who Cares for the Elderly?
Public Policy and the Experiences of Adult Daughters

Abel, Emily K.

248 pp • 6x9 • Spring 1991
paper 978-0-87722-950-6
cloth 978-0-87722-814-1
Excerpt available

Joan Acker: Doing Comparable Worth
Doing Comparable Worth
Gender, Class, and Pay Equity

Acker, Joan

272 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-834-9
cloth 978-0-87722-621-5

Lynda J. Ames, Jeanne Ellsworth: Women Reformed, Women Empowered
Women Reformed, Women Empowered
Poor Mothers and the Endangered Promise of Head Start

Ames, Lynda J. with Jeanne Ellsworth

264 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Fall 1996
paper 978-1-56639-493-2
cloth 978-1-56639-492-5

Diane Barthel: Putting on Appearances
Putting on Appearances
Gender and Advertising

Barthel, Diane

232 pp • Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-661-1
cloth 978-0-87722-528-7
Excerpt available

Ann Bookman, Sandra Morgan: Women and the Politics of Empowerment
Women and the Politics of Empowerment
edited by Bookman, Ann and Sandra Morgan

352 pp • Fall 1987
paper 978-0-87722-525-6
cloth 978-0-87722-504-1
Excerpt available

Christine E. Bose: Women in 1900
Women in 1900
Gateway to the Political Economy of the 20th Century

Bose, Christine E.

272 pp • 5x8 • Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-838-1
cloth 978-1-56639-837-4
Excerpt available

Elsa M. Chaney, Mary Garcia Castro: Muchachas No More
Muchachas No More
Household Workers in Latin America and the Caribbean

edited by Chaney, Elsa M. and Mary Garcia Castro

520 pp • Fall 1988
paper 978-0-87722-835-6
cloth 978-0-87722-571-3

Women and Trade Unions in Eleven Industrialized Countries
edited by Cook, Alice H., Val R. Lorwin and Arlene Kaplan Daniels

360 pp • Fall 1983
cloth 978-0-87722-319-1

Myra Dinnerstein: Women Between Two Worlds
Women Between Two Worlds
Midlife Reflections on Work and Family

Dinnerstein, Myra

210 pp • Fall 1992
paper 978-0-87722-885-1
cloth 978-0-87722-884-4
Excerpt available

Hester Eisenstein: Inside Agitators
Inside Agitators
Australian Femocrats and the State

Eisenstein, Hester

312 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1995
paper 978-1-56639-388-1
cloth 978-1-56639-387-4
Excerpt available

Kathy E. Ferguson: The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy
The Feminist Case Against Bureaucracy
Ferguson, Kathy E.

304 pp • Fall 1984
paper 978-0-87722-400-6
cloth 978-0-87722-357-3

Myra Marx Ferree, Patricia Yancey Martin: Feminist Organizations
Feminist Organizations
Harvest of the New Women's Movement

edited by Ferree, Myra Marx and Patricia Yancey Martin

488 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1994
paper 978-1-56639-229-7
cloth 978-1-56639-228-0
Excerpt available

Lisa M. Fine: The Souls of the Skyscraper
The Souls of the Skyscraper
Female Clerical Workers in Chicago, 1870-1930

Fine, Lisa M.

264 pp • Spring 1990
cloth 978-0-87722-674-1

Janet A. Flammang: Womens Political Voice
Women's Political Voice
How Women are Transforming the Practice and Study of Politics

Flammang, Janet A.

480 pp • 6x9 • Spring 1997
paper 978-1-56639-534-2
cloth 978-1-56639-533-5
Excerpt available

Mindy Fried: Taking Time
Taking Time
Parental Leave Policy and Corporate Culture

Fried, Mindy

256 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Fall 1998
paper 978-1-56639-647-9
cloth 978-1-56639-646-2
Excerpt available

Anita Ilta Garey: Weaving Work and Motherhood
Weaving Work and Motherhood
Garey, Anita Ilta

240 pp • 6x9 • Spring 1999
paper 978-1-56639-700-1
cloth 978-1-56639-699-8
Excerpt available

Joyce Gelb, Marian Lief Palley: Women of Japan and Korea
Women of Japan and Korea
Continuity and Change

edited by Gelb, Joyce and Marian Lief Palley

320 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1994
paper 978-1-56639-224-2
cloth 978-1-56639-223-5
Excerpt available

Naomi Gerstel, Harriet Engel Gross: Families and Work
Families and Work
edited by Gerstel, Naomi and Harriet Engel Gross

576 pp • Spring 1987
paper 978-0-87722-469-3
cloth 978-0-87722-467-9

Nona Y. Glazer: Womens Paid and Unpaid Labor
Women's Paid and Unpaid Labor
The Work Transfer in Health Care and Retailing

Glazer, Nona Y.

360 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1992
paper 978-1-56639-199-3
cloth 978-0-87722-979-7

Ann Goetting, Sarah Fenstermaker: Individual Voices, Collective Visions
Individual Voices, Collective Visions
Fifty Years of Women in Sociology

edited by Goetting, Ann and Sarah Fenstermaker

376 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1994
paper 978-1-56639-251-8
cloth 978-1-56639-250-1

Karla B. Hackstaff: Marriage in a Culture of Divorce
Marriage in a Culture of Divorce
Hackstaff, Karla B.

292 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1999
paper 978-1-56639-725-4
cloth 978-1-56639-724-7
Excerpt available

Karen V. Hansen, Ilene J. Philipson: Women, Class, and the Feminist Imagination
Women, Class, and the Feminist Imagination
A Socialist-Feminist Reader

edited by Hansen, Karen V. and Ilene J. Philipson

670 pp • Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-654-3
cloth 978-0-87722-630-7

Karen V. Hansen, Anita Ilta Garey: Families in the U.S.
Families in the U.S.
Kinship and Domestic Politics

edited by Hansen, Karen V. and Anita Ilta Garey

944 pp • 7x10 • Spring 1998
paper 978-1-56639-590-8
cloth 978-1-56639-589-2
Excerpt available

Sharon L. Harlan, Ronnie J. Steinberg: Job Training For Women
Job Training For Women
The Promise and Limits of Public Policies

edited by Harlan, Sharon L. and Ronnie J. Steinberg

572 pp • Spring 1989
paper 978-0-87722-762-5
cloth 978-0-87722-614-7

Kathleen Mullan Harris: Teen Mothers and the Revolving Welfare Door
Teen Mothers and the Revolving Welfare Door
Harris, Kathleen Mullan, foreword by Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr.

224 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Fall 1996
cloth 978-1-56639-499-4

Kevin D. Henson: Just a Temp
Just a Temp
Henson, Kevin D.

224 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-386-7
cloth 978-1-56639-385-0
Excerpt available

Janet Shibley Hyde, Marilyn J. Essex: Parental Leave and Child Care
Parental Leave and Child Care
Setting a Research and Policy Agenda

edited by Hyde, Janet Shibley and Marilyn J. Essex

448 pp • Fall 1990
cloth 978-0-87722-732-8

Joan M. Jensen, Sue Davidson: A Needle, a Bobbin, a Strike
A Needle, a Bobbin, a Strike
Women Needleworkers in America

edited by Jensen, Joan M. and Sue Davidson

256 pp • Fall 1984
paper 978-0-87722-407-5
cloth 978-0-87722-340-5

Deniz Kandiyoti: Women, Islam and the State
Women, Islam and the State
edited by Kandiyoti, Deniz

256 pp • Fall 1990
paper 978-0-87722-786-1
cloth 978-0-87722-785-4
Excerpt available

Mary Fainsod Katzenstein, Carol McClurg Mueller: The Womens Movements of the United States and Western Europe
The Women's Movements of the United States and Western Europe
Consciousness, Political Opportunity, and Public Policy

edited by Katzenstein, Mary Fainsod and Carol McClurg Mueller

366 pp • 6x9 • Spring 1987
paper 978-1-56639-012-5
cloth 978-0-87722-463-1

Rebecca E. Klatch: Women of the New Right
Women of the New Right
Klatch, Rebecca E.

264 pp • Spring 1987
paper 978-0-87722-590-4
cloth 978-0-87722-470-9

Robin Lorentzen: Women in the Sanctuary Movement
Women in the Sanctuary Movement
Lorentzen, Robin

240 pp • Spring 1991
cloth 978-0-87722-768-7

Nan Bauer Maglin, Nancy Schniedewind: Women and Stepfamilies
Women and Stepfamilies
Voices of Anger and Love

edited by Maglin, Nan Bauer and Nancy Schniedewind

448 pp • Fall 1988
paper 978-0-87722-782-3
cloth 978-0-87722-586-7

Eleanor M. Miller: Street Woman
Street Woman
Miller, Eleanor M.

216 pp • Spring 1986
paper 978-0-87722-509-6
cloth 978-0-87722-417-4

Margaret K. Nelson: Negotiated Care
Negotiated Care
The Experience of Family Day Care Providers

Nelson, Margaret K.

400 pp • Fall 1990
cloth 978-0-87722-728-1

Susan A. Ostrander: Women of the Upper Class
Women of the Upper Class
Ostrander, Susan A.

Spring 1984
paper 978-0-87722-475-4
cloth 978-0-87722-334-4
Excerpt available

Gul Ozyegin: Untidy Gender
Untidy Gender
Domestic Service in Turkey

Ozyegin, Gul

272 pp • 6x9 • Fall 2000
paper 978-1-56639-808-4
cloth 978-1-56639-807-7
Excerpt available

Phyllis Palmer: Domesticity and Dirt
Domesticity and Dirt
Housewives and Domestic Servants in the United States, 1920-1945

Palmer, Phyllis

248 pp • Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-901-8
cloth 978-0-87722-585-0

Greta Foff Paules: Dishing It Out
Dishing It Out
Power and Resistance Among Waitresses in a New Jersey Restaurant

Paules, Greta Foff

225 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Fall 1991
paper 978-0-87722-888-2
cloth 978-0-87722-887-5
Excerpt available

Shane Phelan: Identity Politics
Identity Politics
Lesbian Feminism and the Limits of Community

Phelan, Shane

256 pp • Fall 1989
paper 978-0-87722-902-5
cloth 978-0-87722-651-2

Lora Ann Quinonez, Mary Daniel Turner: The Transformation of American Catholic Sisters
The Transformation of American Catholic Sisters
Quiñonez, Lora Ann and Mary Daniel Turner

224 pp • Fall 1991
paper 978-1-56639-074-3
cloth 978-0-87722-865-3
Excerpt available

Helen Remick: Comparable Worth and Wage Discrimination
Comparable Worth and Wage Discrimination
Technical Possibilities and Political Realities

Remick, Helen

320 pp • Spring 1984
paper 978-0-87722-385-6
cloth 978-0-87722-345-0

Barbara F. Reskin, Patricia A. Roos: Job Queues, Gender Queues
Job Queues, Gender Queues
Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations

Reskin, Barbara F. and Patricia A. Roos

388 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1990
paper 978-0-87722-744-1
cloth 978-0-87722-743-4
Excerpt available

Jean Reith Schroedel: Alone in a Crowd
Alone in a Crowd
Women in the Trades Tell Their Stories

Schroedel, Jean Reith

280 pp • Spring 1985
paper 978-0-87722-397-9
cloth 978-0-87722-378-8

Barbara Levy Simon: Never Married Women
Never Married Women
Simon, Barbara Levy

228 pp • Fall 1987
paper 978-0-87722-671-0
cloth 978-0-87722-497-6

Barbara Ellen Smith: Neither Separate Nor Equal
Neither Separate Nor Equal
Women, Race, and Class in the South

edited by Smith, Barbara Ellen

296 pp • 6x9 • Spring 1999
paper 978-1-56639-680-6
cloth 978-1-56639-679-0

Kathleen Staudt: Women, International Development, and Politics
Women, International Development, and Politics
The Bureaucratic Mire

edited by Staudt, Kathleen

356 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1989
paper 978-1-56639-546-5
cloth 978-0-87722-658-1
Excerpt available

Judith Hicks Stiehm: Its Our Military, Too!
It’s Our Military, Too!
Women and the U.S Military

edited by Stiehm, Judith Hicks

352 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1996
paper 978-1-56639-456-7
cloth 978-1-56639-455-0
Excerpt available

Susan Walzer: Thinking about the Baby
Thinking about the Baby
Gender and Transitions into Parenthood

Walzer, Susan

224 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Fall 1998
paper 978-1-56639-631-8
cloth 978-1-56639-630-1
Excerpt available

D. Kelly Weisberg: Feminist Legal Theory
Feminist Legal Theory

edited by Weisberg, D. Kelly

640 pp • 7x10 • Spring 1993
paper 978-1-56639-029-3
cloth 978-1-56639-028-6
Excerpt available

D. Kelly Weisberg: Applications of Feminist Legal Theory to Womens Lives
Applications of Feminist Legal Theory to Women's Lives
Sex, Violence, Work, and Reproduction

edited by Weisberg, D. Kelly

1200 pp • 7x10 • Spring 1996
paper 978-1-56639-424-6
cloth 978-1-56639-423-9
Excerpt available

Nancy Whittier: Feminist Generations
Feminist Generations
The Persistence of the Radical Women's Movement

Whittier, Nancy

320 pp • 5.5x8.25 • Spring 1995
paper 978-1-56639-282-2
cloth 978-1-56639-281-5

Maxine Baca Zinn, Bonnie Thornton Dill: Women of Color in U.S. Society
Women of Color in U.S. Society
edited by Zinn, Maxine Baca and Bonnie Thornton Dill

360 pp • 6x9 • Fall 1993
paper 978-1-56639-106-1
cloth 978-1-56639-105-4
Excerpt available


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